Rough pseudocode:
Read configs(xml-based, annotation-based, java-based)
Construct BeanDefinitions
Sort BeanDefinitions
Pass BeanDefinitions through each BeanFactoryPostProcessor
for each BeanDefinition{
- Invoke Bean Constructor
for each Bean{
- Invoke Setters
- pass each bean through postProcessBeforeInitialization() of each BeanPostProcessor
- Invoke Initialization Callbacks:
1. @PostConstuct
2. afterPropertiesSet() from InitializingBean
3. init-method
- pass each bean through postProcessAfterInitialization() of each BeanPostProcessor (wrapping beans in proxy)
Fully configured Singleton beans are stored in BeanFactory map `singletonObjects` (located in DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry)
On calling close() method in ConfigurableApplicationContext object:
for each SingletonBean{
- Invoke Destruction Callbacks:
1. @PreDestroy
2. destroy() from DisposableBean
3. destroy-method