Use tideways-xhprof
PHP extension and this library to save xhprof traces
as files and watch them later with some viewer like
composer require maximaster/tideways-xhprof
Manually construct TidewaysXhprofSession
then use start()
and stop()
methods. Also, you can use TidewaysXhprofSessionInterface
to inject the
service as dependency and configure it in your DI-container.
- configure environment variables (see section below);
- set
it as much early as you can; - make requests with configured trigger and analyze produced trace files in configured directory.
Configure trigger name which should start profiling. Its value would be looked for in all global variables.
Defaults to XHPROF
A secret string which would start profiling on being found in trigger variable.
Have no default value. Profiling won't start if it's empty.
A directory to save trace files.
Defaults to getcwd()
How trace files should be named. You can use macroses:
- result ofuniqid()
Defaults to #date##uniqid#.default.xhprof
Uses as DateTime::format
argument and result replaces #date#
macros in
Determines which will be replaced to #date#
macros in .
Defaults to 'Ymdhis'.
Any combination of TIDEWAYS_XHPROF_FLAGS_*
constants. Used when
is called.
Defaults to no flags (0