I am Max, a Software Engineer based in Vancouver, Canada. I have been working as a Software Engineer for 5 more years. In my past experience, I was mainly focusing on full-stack development on the technical side. Besides that, I was also responsible for software evaluations with business strategies.
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- Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program at National Taiwan University.
- Computer Science at National Taiwan University.
- BSc Computer Science at the University of London. (Dropped out)
- Y Combinator Startup School 2016 in Cupertino, CA.
- Operated by famous, global investment company.
- Applied with my startup project!
- TEDx JianGuoHighSchool (ๅปบๅไธญๅญธ) Speaker in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Taiwanese top high school.
- Presentation link
- Director of Software Engineering - NTU GSA
- Director of Software Engineering - Minecraft NTU - We built an NTU online campus.
- NTU CSIE Council
- Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/maxchou415
- Leetcode: https://leetcode.com/maxchou/
- Resume. Good opportunities are welcome!
- Direct contact
- Email:
max at csie.org
orhello at maxchou.dev
- Wikipedia
- Medium: https://medium.com/@maxchou415
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxchou415/
- Email:
่ซ่ฉณ่ฆๆญค้ฃ็ต - Link.