This repository is about a device called Independer.
The goal is to develop a small open-source communication gadget (at the beginning we start with end-to-end encrypted messaging and data sharing) based on LoRa (thus independent from normal infrastructures like mobile network or WIFI).
We use cheap ESP32s, LoRa antennas, 3D prototyping, mini keyboards and develop our own encrypted protocol together with software.
The project is still in its development phase. If you want to join, or have an idea, feel free to write us or start a discussion. The current state of development can be viewed on the project board.
esp32 - lora - encryption - short-message - protocol - keyboard - platformio - 3d-printing - independent
Author: Maximilian Bundscherer
This repository describes the concept, the project structure, the encrypted LoraS transfer protocol (LoRaS) and the Independer application protocol. There are two type of devices: Actor (ID e.g. 0x01
or 0x02
) with keyboard & accumulator and Gateway (ID e.g. 0g01
or 0g02
) opt. with accumulator.
- Actor to Actor (via LoRaS) communcation: Send messages directly between two Actors.
- Actor to Gateway (via LoRaS) communcation: Send messages via a Gateway. Actors can query their messages via a gateway.
- Actor to Actor (via WIFI/Internet) communcation: Send messages via a Internet. Actors can query their messages via WIFI/Internet.
- 3D-printed and protoyped Case with Mini Keyboard
- Custom Software and Communication Protocol LoRaS
- ESP32 with LoRa Antenna and Multi-Tasking Features
- Deep Sleep Mode (battery saving)
- Communication Actor and Gateway Test Functions
- Who is in my area? or Is available? Functions
- Large Data Test Functions
- Over-the-Air-Update (update devices through WIFI)
- Blinking led if you have new unseen messages
- Persistent storage (settings and messages)
- ...
- Hardware, Cost Overview, and How-to
- Update over WIFI
- Developer Overview
- LoraS-Protocol
- Independer-Protocol
The current state of development can be viewed on the project board.
Also check out Awesome/Automatic SDR.