Myrspoven AB
- Stockholm, Sweden
- http://maxberggren.com
bloodhound Public
Scrapes websites for newly published articles and asks an LLM for their breaking news score. Used by AO.news
TriggerScraper Public
Map out a network of sites by following links and keep looking when finding trigger words.
den-siste-telegrafisten Public
Playlists från Eye N' I:s klassiska radioprogram i P5 STHLM för eftervärlden
2 UpdatedDec 7, 2018 -
textgenrnn Public
Forked from minimaxir/textgenrnnPython module to easily generate text using a pretrained character-based recurrent neural network.
Python Other UpdatedApr 16, 2018 -
umap Public
Forked from lmcinnes/umapUniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 9, 2017 -
MarketVectors Public
Forked from talolard/MarketVectorsImplementations for my blog post [here](https://medium.com/@TalPerry/deep-learning-the-stock-market-df853d139e02#.flflpo3xf)
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedFeb 27, 2017 -
keras-wtte-rnn Public
Forked from daynebatten/keras-wtte-rnnDemo Weibull Time-to-event Recurrent Neural Network in Keras
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2017 -
legend-right Public
How to get the legend aligned with the lines
voting-correlation Public
Playing with some municipality data for a blogpost
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 15, 2016 -
500lines Public
Forked from aosabook/500lines500 Lines or Less
JavaScript Other UpdatedAug 13, 2015 -
numerical-mooc Public
Forked from numerical-mooc/numerical-moocA collaborative educational initiative in computational science and engineering.
DeepLearningMovies Public
Forked from wendykan/DeepLearningMoviesKaggle's competition for using Google's word2vec package for sentiment analysis
blog-notebooks Public
Ipython notebooks that are beeing used to generate blog posts.
assignment-bank Public
Forked from numerical-mooc/assignment-bankContribute alternative assignments for Numerical Methods with Python
CSS MIT License UpdatedNov 3, 2014 -
cookbook-code Public
Forked from ipython-books/cookbook-codeRecipes of the IPython Cookbook, the definitive guide to high-performance scientific computing and data science in Python
Shell Other UpdatedOct 9, 2014 -
Bachelor-Thesis Public
Developed an implementation of the blade element momentum theory in Python deeply integrating it with Xfoil. This enabled for an genetic algorithm to be used in producing a new wind turbine rotor b…
Conv-Nets-Series Public
Forked from colah/Conv-Nets-SeriesA series of blog posts on convolutional neural networks and their generalizations.
UpdatedJul 14, 2014 -
SiteOpt Public
Implementation of blade element momentum theory and a connection to XFOIL