A tiny but mighty 3kb list virtualization library, with zero dependencies 💪 Supports variable heights/widths, sticky items, scrolling to index, and more!
mattvanhorn / rollout_ui
Forked from Rockfordal/rollout_uiRolloutUI: A slick way to rollout features in your web app.
An implementation of the Exhibit pattern, as described in Objects on Rails
Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
Rockfordal / rollout_ui
Forked from jrallison/rollout_uiRolloutUI: A slick way to rollout features in your web app.
Personal Project - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu content hub
An implementation of the Exhibit pattern, as described in Objects on Rails
A place to post cynical/humorous cucumber stories
mattvanhorn / haml
Forked from haml/hamlHTML Abstraction Markup Language - A Markup Haiku
A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers
in plans fully support and use all features rails 3 (original :
mattvanhorn / analytical
Forked from jkrall/analyticalGem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
in plans fully support and use all features rails 3 (original :
mattvanhorn / thingsilike
Forked from cloudhead/dorothya basic template for toto, the blogging engine
mattvanhorn / toto
Forked from cloudhead/totothe 10 second blog-engine for hackers
mattvanhorn / nulldb
Forked from nulldb/nulldbAn ActiveRecord null database adapter for greater speed and isolation in unit tests.
timmatheson / seer
Forked from CoralineAda/seerSeer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API. It allows you to easily create a visualization of data in a variety of formats, including area charts, bar charts,…
devise extension to handle oauth2 (facebook graph)
Devise << Facebook Connect
devise extension to handle oauth2 (facebook graph)
Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
Adds the ability to track registrations that were referred from partners
nulldb / nulldb
Forked from avdi/nulldbAn ActiveRecord null database adapter for greater speed and isolation in unit tests.
A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers
Devise << Facebook Connect. IMPORTANT: Not maintained anymore.