LSP for Ghostty providing hover definitions for each parameter in Ghostty's configuration.
Install using the Rust package manager.
cargo build --release
Make sure the created binary is in your $PATH
Add the following LSP configuration to have the LSP only activate on the Ghostty config (this assumes you use default location for Ghostty config - if not update the normalized location to your needs).
function setup_ghostty_lsp()
-- Only activate ghostty-lsp when editing the ghostty config
if vim.fn.expand("%:p") == vim.fs.normalize("~/.config/ghostty/config") then
name = "ghostty-lsp",
cmd = { "ghostty-lsp" },
root_dir = vim.fs.normalize("~/.config/ghostty")
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufRead", { pattern = "*", callback = setup_ghostty_lsp })