Material Design styled components for Vue.js
Material-components-vue integrates the mdc-web (by google) vanilla components following the simple approach.
This project is under active developement but I could need any help you can provide. Due a huge workload in my daily job I'am struggling with upgrading to the newest versions of the upstream project: mdc-web.
If you want to help feel free to submit issues or pull requests - you can also join the chat for questions. Every information that help to stabilize and improve the library is welcome!
When you want to support me you can buy me a ☕ here 👍
- decoupled components
- implementing just the specs not more or less
- keep the components as simple as possible
- keep in sync with changes in the mdc-web repository
- user friendly component api
- SSR (Server Side Rendering) support
You will find a API documentation for each component in their corresponding component directory:
Name | ECMA | Minimized |
dist/[component]/index.js | 5 | no |
dist/[component]/[component].min.js | 5 | yes |
All versions are provided as UMD modules.
Name | Description |
dist/[component]/[component].min.css | Minified component CSS |
dist/[component]/styles.scss | Raw SASS styles of mdc-web |