Toy program to communicate with the Espressif ESP8266 bootloader.
Based on esptool and
Other relevant projects: iotit, esp-flasher.
Currently the only supported command is read_mac
% ./esp8266tool --port=/dev/cu.usbserial-1410 read_mac
2021/01/07 00:15:40 Trying to establish connection with the device
2021/01/07 00:15:40 Connection established with /dev/cu.usbserial-1410, baud rate is 115200
2021/01/07 00:15:40 SYNC ok
2021/01/07 00:15:40 MAC address is: 5c:cf:7f:b9:d5:f4
- Integrate ESP8266 support into esptool.
- Implement flash commands