Slides and hands on material in C and fortran90 for learning parallel HDF5
Environment required on the ruche machine with the installed modules
Load the following modules
module load gcc/11.2.0/gcc-4.8.5
module load hdf5/1.12.0/gcc-11.2.0-openmpi
To submit the execution of the application on the ruche cluster
sbatch job
- Parallel multi files: all MPI ranks write their whole memory in separate file (provided in phdf5-1)
- Serialized: each rank opens the same file (rank 0 has to create it first) and writes its data one after the other
- 2.1 Data written as separate datasets => One file with multiple datasets
- 2.2 Data written in the same dataset => One file with one single dataset
- Parallel single file: specific HDF5 parameters given at open and write time to let MPI-IO manage the concurrent file access