Issue with symmetrization (CifWrite) in newer pymatgen version #3545
Python version
Python 3.10.13
Pymatgen version
Version: 2023.11.12
Operating system version
Mac OSX 13.2.1
Current behavior
I try to symmetrize a POSCAR file. The symmetrization is successful but the structure produced is wrong: space group is 8 and the atoms are clearly overlapping. Using an older version of pymatgen (2023.5.31) gives the right structure instead.
Expected Behavior
I expect the structure to be correctly symmetrized (space group 12).
Minimal example
Using the zip file provided run from terminal:
python3 poscar2cif POSCAR_src_166.vasp 0.05 5
Using pymatgen 2023.5.31 gives the right cif
Using pymatgen 2023.11.12 gives the wrong cif