Allows tracking shared Notion page views. View count will only display in the shared page accessed by a shared link, not through your Notion app
npm i
serverless login
npm run dynamodb_install_local
serverless plugin install -n serverless-dynamodb-local
- Install aws cli
aws configure
(Use credentials created from user in IAM)npm run start_local
- There's no 7-th step. System will create a user and request credentials automatically.
Add an embedded block to Notion. Use the lambda public URL. Url format is: https://<lambda_url>/<page_id>?size=60&family=monospace&text=Views
Parameters info:
- page_id (string) - Page id unique for your Notion workspace. You can come up with your own page id, it has to be any random string
- size (number) - Font size
- family (string) - Font Family
- text (string) - Text shown before the view count. Don't forget to urlencode it