- Docker
- Node + NPM
- Elixir
- Make sure docker are running:
docker-machine start && eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
- Create db config:
cp docker/config/db.example.env docker/config/db.env
- Start db:
docker-compose up -d
- Switch to frontend dir:
cd ../frontend
- Install node packages:
- Open pheonix app:
cd delicious_elixir
- Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database:
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Create superuser:
mix delicious_elixir.create_super_user my_username my@email.com my_passwor
- Start Phoenix endpoint:
mix phoenix.server
- Open the application: http://localhost:4000
- Done!
The cli will scaffold a new component with scss, js, test and automatically add it to index.js and index.scss.
Create a component will both scss and classbase
npm run new ComponentName
Create a component without scss file
npm run new ComponentName no-scss
Create a component without classbase (it will be a functional component), and no scss
npm run new ComponentName no-scss no-class
no-scss and no-class is both optional.
index.scss and index.js will be automatically updated when adding a component through the cli.
You can also override the html if you want/need to for your component by adding a html file in the components folder, or have it created by adding this to the cli:
npm run new ComponentName add-html
- Start server:
iex -S mix phoenix.server
- Import:
require IEx
- Trigger debugger:
Deploy to heroku
git subtree push --prefix delicious_elixir heroku master
Create model
mix phoenix.gen.html Example examples field_name:field_type mix ecto.migrate
Create migration
mix ecto.gen.migration <description> resources "/<model_name>", <Model>Controller mix ecto.migrate
Create table:
mix ecto.create
Create migration:
mix ecto.gen.migration <description>
Run migration:
mix ecto.migrate
Generate model:
mix phoenix.gen.html Example examples field_name:field_type
Update all dependecies:
mix deps.unlock --all && mix deps.get
Create link modal
Add put support to link api controller
Edit link modal
Url validation when saving link
Update link list with changes happen
Delete link from list
Auto update list if new links arrive (through socket)
Update link list styling
Fix bug that happen when toggling home/my links
Support for public/private links
Implement unfollow list logic
Fix 'My links' navigation recursive bug
Sign up styling
Update so UserProfile gets correct user data
Make sure only link owner see private links
Fix issue occuring when link-list receives a new list in user-profile
Register styling
Update packages (Ecto, Phoenix...)
Implement ExAdmin
Delete button on edit link modular
Styling UserProfile header
Settings (Change password / profile)
Tag support
Hide Share/Edit/Delete on items without access
Add tag filtering abilities on user
Add superadmin flag (or similar) to user model
Implement tests on travis
Create heroku instance
Attempt to load title/description/image from url when pasting link in Add Link dialog
Add link creation should transfer user to Profile page
Sign out styling
Rename project to
(or something else?) -
Convert app to docker container
Add user avatar support
Release 1.0.0
Bulk editing
- Make it possible to email links to user
- Add read/unread flag
- Add support for collections/categories
- Add slack integration
- Create browser plugin
- Add support for private accounts
- Make it possible to import delicious data dumps
- https://github.com/bigardone/phoenix-trello/
- https://medium.com/@diamondgfx/debugging-phoenix-with-iex-pry-5417256e1d11
- https://blog.drewolson.org/composable-queries-ecto/
- http://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/case-cond-and-if.html
- https://elixirnation.io/references/ecto-query-examples#limit_offset
- Nested Associations & Changeset Errors in Ecto
- Adding Edit and Update Functionality
- Useful Ecto Validators
- Nice reference site for integrating ExAdmin and Guardian
- Demo site showing how to implement many_to_many relations in ExAdmin
- Awesome read about using associations in ecto