This package has a very specific use-case. It's purpose is to make it easier to detect and react to "swiping" gestures on mobile devices. There are no actual "swipe" events in the DOM - so this package evaluates "touchstart" and "touchend" events to determine if a user swiped in a specific direction.
Because this has to be handled in a two-step fashion, the application using this library must store some "state" that can be passed back to the library to determine a swipe event.
elm-package install marshallformula/elm-swiper
import Swiper
-- Application Model
type alias Model =
{ swipingState : Swiper.SwipingState
, userSwipedLeft : Bool
-- Messages
type Msg
= Swiped Swiper.SwipeEvent
-- Update
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
initialModel =
{ swipingState = Swiper.initialSwipingState
, userSwipedLeft = False
( initialModel, Cmd.none )
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
threshold = 100
case msg of
Swiped evt ->
( newState, swipedLeft) =
Swiper.hasSwipedLeft threshold evt model.swipingState
( { model | swipingState = newState, userSwipedLeft = swipedLeft }, Cmd.none )
-- View
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div ( [ id "Main" ] ++ Swiper.onSwipeEvents Swiped ) [ text "main website" ]