A prettier plugin for formatting monkey-c code.
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary.
This plugin adds support for the monkey-c language to Prettier.
dc.drawText(_width/2, 3,Graphics.FONT_TINY, "Ax = "+_accel[0], Graphics.TEXT_JUSTIFY_CENTER);
_width / 2,
"Ax = " + _accel[0],
npm install --save-dev @markw65/prettier-plugin-monkeyc
# or globally
npm install --global @markw65/prettier-plugin-monkeyc
Install the Prettier extension from https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode.
- if you installed the plugin globally, you need to enable
in your settings. - if you installed locally, the documentation says it should just work, but I've found you need to tell the extension how to find the local copy of prettier. Put
"prettier.prettierPath": "./node_modules/prettier"
in your.vscode/settings.json
Once configured as above, VSCode's Format Document
command (Option-Shift-F
) will reformat your .mc files for you.
If you installed prettier as a local dependency, you can run it via
npx prettier path/to/code.mc --write
If you installed globally, run
prettier path/to/code.mc --write
The standard Prettier options (such as tabWidth
) can be used.
To make a production build, run
npm run build-release
To develop, run
npm run watch
This will keep your build up to date as you make changes. You can then execute Prettier with
npx prettier [ --write ] --plugin build/prettier-plugin-monkeyc.cjs ...
uses a Peggy grammar (located in peg/
to parse monkeyc. This grammar was originally copied from the Peggy sample javascript grammar, and still has some javascript features that aren't relevant to monkeyc. I'm planning to clean that up, but for now it shouldn't matter.
is written in native ES6 javascript, but uses webpack to dynamically compile to commonjs, because thats what prettier wants.
The plugin is organized as follows:
This file exports the objects required of a Prettier plugin.peg/monkeyc.peggy
The Peggy grammar for monkey-c.src/printer.js
Printers take an AST and produce a Doc (the intermediate format that Prettier uses). The current implementation is a thin wrapper around Prettier's default, estree printer. It handles just the nodes that it needs to, and delegates to "javascript-like" behavior for everything else.
See Change Log