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Advanced python library to scrap Twitter (tweets, users) from unofficial API


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A modern fast python library to scrap tweets and users quickly from Twitter unofficial API.

This tool helps you to scrap tweets by a search phrase, tweets by ids and user by usernames. It uses the Twitter API, the same API is used on a website.

Inspiration for the creation of the library

I have used twint to scrap tweets, but it has many errors, and it doesn't work properly. The code was not simple to understand. All tasks have one config, and the user has to know the exact parameter. The last important thing is the fact that Api can change — Twitter is the API owner and changes depend on it. It is annoying when something does not work and users must report bugs as issues.

Main advantages of the library

  • Simple code — the code is not only mine, every user can contribute to the library
  • Domain objects and interfaces — the main part of functionalities can be replaced (eg. calling web requests), the library has basic simple solution — if you want to expand it, you can do it without any problems and forks
  • 100% coverage with integration tests — this advantage can find the API changes, tests are carried out every week and when the task fails, we can find the source of change easily
  • Custom tweets and users output — it is a part of the interface, if you want to save tweets and users custom format, it takes you a brief moment


pip install -U stweet

Basic usage

To make a simple request the scrap task must be prepared. The next task should be processed by runner.

import stweet as st

search_tweets_task = st.SearchTweetsTask(
tweets_collector = st.CollectorTweetOutput()

    tweet_outputs=[tweets_collector, st.CsvTweetOutput('output_file.csv')]

tweets = tweets_collector.get_scrapped_tweets()

This simple code snippet calls for all tweets with hashtag #covid19. The result in tweets object is a list of scrapped tweets.

Above example shows how to scrap tweets by search phrase. Stweet has also scrapping by tweet id:

import stweet as st

tweets_by_ids_task = st.TweetsByIdsTask(['1336002732717727752', '1338916735479496704'])
tweets_collector = st.CollectorTweetOutput()

    tweet_outputs=[tweets_collector, st.CsvTweetOutput('output_file.csv')]

tweets = tweets_collector.get_scrapped_tweets()

Stweet allows scrapping user information by users screen name:

import stweet as st

get_users_task = st.GetUsersTask(['donaldtuskEPP', 'JoeBiden', 'realDonaldTrump'])
users_collector = st.CollectorUserOutput()


users = users_collector.get_scrapped_users()

Stweet has a default WebClient implementation that is based on requests library — st.RequestsWebClient. Class have all properties with default values, but by changing them user can set proxy or disable ssl verification.

This snippet shows how to use it:

import stweet as st

search_tweets_task = st.SearchTweetsTask(
tweets_collector = st.CollectorTweetOutput()

proxies_config = st.RequestsWebClientProxyConfig(
    http_proxy="<Your http proxy URL>",
    https_proxy="<Your https proxy URL>"

    tweet_outputs=[tweets_collector, st.CsvTweetOutput('output_file.csv')],
    web_client=st.RequestsWebClient(proxy=proxies_config, verify=False),

tweets = tweets_collector.get_scrapped_tweets()

All important details and classes of this library are described below.


This class represents the task to scrap tweets. It contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
all_words Optional[str] Search for tweets having all words in property
exact_words Optional[str] Search for tweets with the unchanged order of words in property
any_word Optional[str] Search for tweets with any words in this property
from_username Optional[str] Search for tweets from the user
to_username Optional[str] Search for tweets to the user (tweets starts from mentioning the user)
since Optional[Arrow] Search for tweets since time
until Optional[Arrow] Search for tweets until time
language Optional[st.Language] Search for tweets with language
tweets_count Optional[int] Search first tweets_count tweets
replies_filter Optional[st.RepliesFilter] Filter tweets with reply/original status

All properties come from Twitter advanced search and are default None.


With class SearchRunner library can scrap tweets specified in SearchTweetsTask. The runner has the following properties:

Property Type Default value Description
search_run_context st.SearchRunContext None, in __init__() assign SearchRunContext() Search context, contains all important properties to make the next request to Twitter
search_tweets_task st.SearchTweetsTask Obligatory property Property specifies which tweets should be downloaded by the runner
tweet_outputs List[st.TweetOutput] Obligatory property List of objects to export downloaded tweets
web_client st.WebClient stweet.http_request.WebClientRequests() Implementation of a WebClient, can be replaced for custom implementation
tweet_parser st.TweetParser stweet.parse.TwintBasedTweetParser() Parser of tweets from web API response
auth_token_provider_factory st.auth.AuthTokenProviderFactory st.auth.SimpleAuthTokenProviderFactory() Factory of AuthTokenProvider to provide auth tokens


This class represents the task to scrap tweets by ids, it has simple property:

Property Type Description
tweet_ids List[str] ids of tweets to scrap


With class TweetsByIdsRunner library can scrap tweets specified in TweetsByIdsTask. The runner has the following properties:

Property Type Default value Description
tweets_by_ids_task st.TweetsByIdsTask Obligatory property Property specifies which tweets should be downloaded by the runner
tweet_outputs List[st.TweetOutput] Obligatory property List of objects to export downloaded tweets
search_run_context st.SearchRunContext None, in __init__() assign SearchRunContext() Search context, contains all important properties to make the next request to Twitter
web_client st.WebClient stweet.http_request.WebClientRequests() Implementation of a WebClient, can be replaced for custom implementation
tweet_parser st.TweetParser stweet.parse.TwintBasedTweetParser() Parser of tweets from web API response
auth_token_provider_factory st.auth.AuthTokenProviderFactory st.auth.SimpleAuthTokenProviderFactory() Factory of AuthTokenProvider to provide auth tokens


This class represents the task to scrap users, it has simple property:

Property Type Description
usernames List[str] usernames of users to scrap, username is usually used in Twitter with '@' prefix


With class GetUsersRunner library can scrap users specified in GetUsersTask. The runner has the following properties:

Property Type Default value Description
get_user_task st.GetUsersTask Obligatory property Property specifies which users should be downloaded by the runner
user_outputs List[st.UserOutput] Obligatory property List of objects to export downloaded users
get_user_context st.GetUsersContext None, in __init__() assign GetUsersContext() Search context, contains all important properties to make the next request to Twitter
web_client st.WebClient stweet.http_request.WebClientRequests() Implementation of a WebClient, can be replaced for custom implementation
auth_token_provider_factory st.auth.AuthTokenProviderFactory st.auth.SimpleAuthTokenProviderFactory() Factory of AuthTokenProvider to provide auth tokens


TweetOutput is an interface which calls for exporting scrapped tweets. Stweet has a few implementations described below:

TweetOutput implementation Description
CollectorTweetOutput Output saves tweets in-memory, has the method get_scrapped_tweets() to return list of tweets
CsvTweetOutput Output exports tweets to csv file
JsonLineFileTweetOutput Output exports tweets as JSON objects, in each line of file there is one JSON object with a tweet
PrintEveryNTweetOutput Output prints every N tweet on screen, N value can be assigned in the constructor
PrintFirstInRequestTweetOutput Output prints the first tweet of an incoming request
PrintTweetOutput Output prints all tweets

Additionally, TweetOutput can be implemented in many other ways.


UserOutput is an interface which calls for exporting scrapped users. Stweet has a few implementations described below:

UserOutput implementation Description
CollectorUserOutput Output saves users in-memory, has the method get_scrapped_users() to return list of users
CsvUserOutput Output exports users to csv file
JsonLineFileUserOutput Output exports users as JSON objects, in each line of file there is one JSON object with a user
PrintEveryNUserOutput Output prints every N user on screen, N value can be assigned in the constructor
PrintFirstInRequestUserOutput Output prints the first user of an incoming request
PrintUserOutput Output prints all users

Additionally, UserOutput can be implemented in many other ways.


ProxyClientRequests is an implementation of a st.WebClient that allows using proxies as well as supply additional options that can be used in requests.request method.

Property Type Description
proxies Dict[str, str] Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy.
options Dict[str, Any] Dictionary mapping a requests.request method param to its value.

Additionally, you can implement you own WebClient.

How to contribute

If you want to improve stweet library then please read the instruction in first-contributions repo. Remember to create pull request to develop branch.

You must have docker and docker-compose to run all tests on your computer. These dependencies start the proxy service which is required to run proxy tests. If you want to run tests locally please run tox command:

tox -v

Thank you for your every pull request. Together we can make this library better.

Twint inspiration

Small part of library uses code from twint. Twint was also main inspiration to create stweet.