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GitHub Action

Trusted Signing


Trusted Signing


Trusted Signing

Sign your files with Trusted Signing


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Trusted Signing

uses: Azure/trusted-signing-action@v0.3.17

Learn more about this action in Azure/trusted-signing-action

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Trusted Signing

The Trusted Signing Action allows you to digitally sign your files using a Trusted Signing certificate during a GitHub Actions run.

Runner Requirements

This Action can only be executed on Windows runners. It is supported by the following GitHub hosted runners:

It is also possible to use self-hosted runners with the following requirements:

  • Windows 7+
  • PowerShell 5.1+
  • .NET runtime 6.0+


The example below shows how to sign the build output of a simple Wpf application.

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: windows-latest
    name: Build app and sign files with Trusted Signing
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Setup .NET Core SDK
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2
          dotnet-version: 6.0.x

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: dotnet restore App

      - name: Build
        run: dotnet build --configuration Release --no-restore WpfApp

      - name: Sign files with Trusted Signing
        uses: azure/trusted-signing-action@v0.3.15
          azure-tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
          azure-client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
          azure-client-secret: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          trusted-signing-account-name: vscx-codesigning
          certificate-profile-name: vscx-certificate-profile
          files-folder: ${{ github.workspace }}\App\App\bin\Release\net6.0-windows
          files-folder-filter: exe,dll
          file-digest: SHA256
          timestamp-digest: SHA256



Behind the scenes, the Action uses DefaultAzureCredential as the primary method of authentication to Azure. The EnvironmentCredential variables are exposed as inputs and then set to Action-scoped environment variables. Each credential type supported by DefaultAzureCredential can be disabled using the Action inputs.


Trusted Signing Certificate Profile Signer role is required to successfully sign by using Trusted Signing

App Registration

# The Azure Active Directory tenant (directory) ID.
azure-tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}

# The client (application) ID of an App Registration in the tenant.
azure-client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}

# A client secret that was generated for the App Registration.
azure-client-secret: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET }}

Azure Active Directory

# The username, also known as upn, of an Azure Active Directory user account.
azure-username: ${{ secrets.AZURE_USERNAME }}

# The password of the Azure Active Directory user account. Note this does not support accounts with MFA enabled.
azure-password: ${{ secrets.AZURE_PASSWORD }}

Exclude Credentials

# Exclude the "EnvironmentCredential" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is false.
exclude-environment-credential: false

# Exclude the "ManagedIdentity" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is false.
exclude-managed-identity-credential: false

# Exclude the "SharedTokenCacheCredential" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is false.
exclude-shared-token-cache-credential: false

# Exclude the "VisualStudioCredential" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is false.
exclude-visual-studio-credential: false

# Exclude the "VisualStudioCodeCredential" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is false.
exclude-visual-studio-code-credential: false

# Exclude the "AzureCliCredential" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is false.
exclude-azure-cli-credential: false

# Exclude the "AzurePowerShellCredential" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is false.
exclude-azure-powershell-credential: false

# Exclude the "InteractiveBrowserCredential" type from being considered when authenticating with "DefaultAzureCredential". The default value is true.
exclude-interactive-browser-credential: true

Account Details

# The Trusted Signing Account endpoint. The URI value must have a URI that aligns to the region your Trusted Signing Account and Certificate Profile you are specifying were created in during the setup of these resources.

# The Trusted Signing Account name.
trusted-signing-account-name: my-account-name

# The Certificate Profile name.
certificate-profile-name: my-profile-name

File Specification

Files Folder

This strategy allows you to specify a folder that contains all the files you want signed. There are options available for narrowing the focus as well. For example, you can use the files-folder-filter input to specify that you only want exe files to be signed.

# The folder containing files to be signed. Can be combined with the file-catalog input.
files-folder: ${{ github.workspace }}\App\App\bin\Release\net6.0-windows

# A comma separated list of file extensions that determines which types of files will be signed in the folder specified by the files-folder input. Any file type not included in this list will not be signed. If this input is not used, all files in the folder will be signed.
files-folder-filter: dll,exe,msix

# A boolean value (true/false) that indicates if the folder specified by the files-folder input should be searched recursively. The default value is false.
files-folder-recurse: true

# An integer value that indicates the depth of the recursive search toggled by the files-folder-recurse input. By default there is no limit to the depth of the search.
files-folder-depth: 2

Files Catalog

This strategy allows you to specify a precise list of files to be signed.

# A file containing a list of relative paths to the files being signed. The paths should be relative to the location of the catalog file. Each file path should be on a separate line. Can be combined with the files-folder input.
files-catalog: ${{ github.workspace }}\catalog.txt

Digest Algorithm

# The name of the digest algorithm used for hashing the file being signed. The default value is SHA256.
file-digest: SHA384


# A URL to an RFC3161 compliant timestamping service.

# The name of the digest algorithm used for timestamping.
timestamp-digest: SHA256

Append Signature

# A boolean value (true/false) that indicates if the signature should be appended. If no primary signature is present, this signature is made the primary signature instead. The default value is false.
append-signature: true


# A description of the signed content.
description: My signed content.

# A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the expanded description of the signed content.


# Generates the digest to be signed and the unsigned PKCS7 files at this path. The output digest and PKCS7 files will be path\FileName.dig and path\FileName.p7u. To output an additional XML file, see `generate-digest-xml`.
generate-digest-path: ${{ github.workspace }}\digest

# A boolean value (true/false) that indicates if an XML file is produced when the `generate-digest-path` input is used. The output file will be Path\FileName.dig.xml. The default value is false.
generate-digest-xml: true

# Creates the signature by ingesting the signed digest to the unsigned PKCS7 file at this path. The input signed digest and unsigned PKCS7 files should be path\FileName.dig.signed and path\FileName.p7u.
ingest-digest-path: ${{ github.workspace }}\digest

# A boolean value (true/false) that indicates if only the digest should be signed. The input file should be the digest generated by the `generate-digest-path` input. The output file will be File.signed. The default value is false.
sign-digest: true

Pages Hashes

# A boolean value (true/false) that indicates if page hashes should be generated for executable files. The default value is false.
generate-page-hashes: true

# A boolean value (true/false) that indicates if page hashes should be suppressed for executable files. The default is determined by the SIGNTOOL_PAGE_HASHES environment variable and by the wintrust.dll version. This input is ignored for non-PE files.
suppress-page-hashes: true


# A boolean value (true/false) that indicates if a Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #7 file is produced for each specified content file. PKCS #7 files are named path\filename.p7. The default value is false.
generate-pkcs7: true

# Options for the signed PKCS #7 content. Set value to "Embedded" to embed the signed content in the PKCS #7 file, or to "DetachedSignedData" to produce the signed data portion of a detached PKCS #7 file. If this input is not used, the signed content is embedded by default.
pkcs7-options: Embedded

# The object identifier (OID) that identifies the signed PKCS #7 content.

Enhanced Key Usage

# The enhanced key usage (EKU) that must be present in the signing certificate. The usage value can be specified by OID or string. The default usage is "Code Signing" (


# The number of seconds that the Trusted Signing service will wait for all files to be signed before it exits. The default value is 300 seconds.
timeout: 600

# The summed length of file paths that can be signed with each signtool call. This parameter should only be relevant if you are signing a large number of files. Increasing the value may result in performance gains at the risk of potentially hitting your system's maximum command length limit. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 30000. A value of 0 means that every file will be signed with an individual call to signtool.
batch-size: 10000

Best Practices


The files must be signed with timestamping enabled in order for the signatures to be valid for longer than 3 days. It is recommended to use the Trusted Signing timestamp server:

timestamp-rfc3161: ''
timestamp-digest: 'SHA256'

Server Selection

There is currently a known issue with the WUS region where ~10% of signing requests will be very slow (up to 100 seconds to sign a single file). This may cause significant slow downs and possibly timeout failures during runs. It is suggested to use the EUS region when possible:


The Trusted Signing team is currently working with Azure to solve this problem.


This Action performs authentication using DefaultAzureCredential which attempts a series of authentication methods in order. If one method fails, it will attempt the next one until authentication is successful.

Each authentication method can be disabled individually so that no time is wasted attempting to authenticate with methods that will never pass.

For example, when authenticating with EnvironmentCredential specifically, disable the other credentials with the following inputs:

exclude-environment-credential: false
exclude-managed-identity-credential: true
exclude-shared-token-cache-credential: true
exclude-visual-studio-credential: true
exclude-visual-studio-code-credential: true
exclude-azure-cli-credential: true
exclude-azure-powershell-credential: true
exclude-interactive-browser-credential: true

This can make the Action fail faster if for some reason the EnvironmentCredential fails. Similarly, if using for example an AzureCliCredential , then we want to skip over attempting to authenticate with the several methods that come before it in order.


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