iso14229 is a server and client session-layer implementation of (ISO14229-1:2013) targeting embedded systems. It is tested with isotp-c
as well as linux kernel ISO15765-2 (ISO-TP) transport layer implementations.
API status: stabilizing
#include "iso14229.h"
static uint8_t fn(UDSServer_t *srv, UDSServerEvent_t ev, const void *arg) {
switch (ev) {
case UDS_SRV_EVT_EcuReset: { // 0x10
UDSECUResetArgs_t *r = (UDSECUResetArgs_t *)arg;
printf("got ECUReset request of type %x\n", r->type);
return kPositiveResponse;
return kServiceNotSupported;
int main() {
UDSServer_t server;
UDSServerConfig_t cfg = {
.fn = &fn,
UDSServerInit(&server, &cfg);
for (;;) {
// see examples/client.c
Define | Description | Valid values |
Select a porting target | UDS_ARCH_CUSTOM , UDS_ARCH_UNIX |
Select a transport layer | UDS_TP_ISOTP_C , UDS_TP_ISOTP_SOCKET |
Use your own millis() implementation |
defined or not defined |
- all memory allocation is static
- architecture-independent. tested on arm, x86-64, ppc, ppc64. see
- has many existing unit-tests and tests are easy to extend
SID | name | supported |
0x10 | diagnostic session control | ✅ |
0x11 | ECU reset | ✅ |
0x14 | clear diagnostic information | ❌ |
0x19 | read DTC information | ❌ |
0x22 | read data by identifier | ✅ |
0x23 | read memory by address | ❌ |
0x24 | read scaling data by identifier | ❌ |
0x27 | security access | ✅ |
0x28 | communication control | ✅ |
0x2A | read periodic data by identifier | ❌ |
0x2C | dynamically define data identifier | ❌ |
0x2E | write data by identifier | ✅ |
0x2F | input control by identifier | ❌ |
0x31 | routine control | ✅ |
0x34 | request download | ✅ |
0x35 | request upload | ✅ |
0x36 | transfer data | ✅ |
0x37 | request transfer exit | ✅ |
0x38 | request file transfer | ❌ |
0x3D | write memory by address | ❌ |
0x3E | tester present | ✅ |
0x83 | access timing parameter | ❌ |
0x84 | secured data transmission | ❌ |
0x85 | control DTC setting | ✅ |
0x86 | response on event | ❌ |
see enum UDSServerEvent
in iso14229.h
typedef struct {
const enum UDSDiagnosticSessionType type; /**< requested session type */
uint16_t p2_ms; /**< optional return value: p2 timing override */
uint32_t p2_star_ms; /**< optional return value: p2* timing override */
} UDSDiagSessCtrlArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request to change diagnostic level accepted. |
0x12 |
kSubFunctionNotSupported |
The server doesn't support this diagnostic level |
0x22 |
kConditionsNotCorrect |
The server can't/won't transition to the specified diagnostic level at this time |
typedef struct {
const enum UDSECUResetType type; /**< reset type requested by client */
uint8_t powerDownTime; /**< Optional response: notify client of time until shutdown (0-254) 255
indicates that a time is not available. */
} UDSECUResetArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request to reset ECU accepted. |
0x12 |
kSubFunctionNotSupported |
The server doesn't support the specified type of ECU reset |
0x22 |
kConditionsNotCorrect |
The server can't reset now |
0x33 |
kSecurityAccessDenied |
The current level of security access doesn't permit this type of ECU reset |
typedef struct {
const uint16_t dataId; /*! data identifier */
/*! function for copying to the server send buffer. Returns `kPositiveResponse` on success and `kResponseTooLong` if the length of the data to be copied exceeds that of the server send buffer */
const uint8_t (*copy)(UDSServer_t *srv, const void *src,
uint16_t count);
} UDSRDBIArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request to read data accepted (be sure to call copy(...) ) |
0x14 |
kResponseTooLong |
The total length of the response message exceeds the transport buffer size |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
The requested data identifer isn't supported |
0x33 |
kSecurityAccessDenied |
The current level of security access doesn't permit reading the requested data identifier |
typedef struct {
const uint8_t level; /*! requested security level */
const uint8_t *const dataRecord; /*! pointer to request data */
const uint16_t len; /*! size of request data */
/*! function for copying to the server send buffer. Returns `kPositiveResponse` on success and `kResponseTooLong` if the length of the data to be copied exceeds that of the server send buffer */
uint8_t (*copySeed)(UDSServer_t *srv, const void *src,
uint16_t len);
} UDSSecAccessRequestSeedArgs_t;
typedef struct {
const uint8_t level; /*! security level to be validated */
const uint8_t *const key; /*! key sent by client */
const uint16_t len; /*! length of key */
} UDSSecAccessValidateKeyArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request accepted |
0x12 |
kSubFunctionNotSupported |
The requested security level is not supported |
0x22 |
kConditionsNotCorrect |
The server can't handle the request right now |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
The dataRecord contains invalid data |
0x35 |
kInvalidKey |
The key doesn't match |
0x36 |
kExceededNumberOfAttempts |
False attempt limit reached |
0x37 |
kRequiredTimeDelayNotExpired |
RequestSeed request received and delay timer is still active |
typedef struct {
enum UDSCommunicationControlType ctrlType;
enum UDSCommunicationType commType;
} UDSCommCtrlArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request accepted |
0x12 |
kSubFunctionNotSupported |
The requested control type is not supported |
0x22 |
kConditionsNotCorrect |
The server can't enable/disable the selected communication type now |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
The requested control type or communication type is erroneous |
typedef struct {
const uint16_t dataId; /*! WDBI Data Identifier */
const uint8_t *const data; /*! pointer to data */
const uint16_t len; /*! length of data */
} UDSWDBIArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request to write data accepted |
0x22 |
kConditionsNotCorrect |
The server can't write this data now |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
The requested data identifer isn't supported or the data is invalid |
0x33 |
kSecurityAccessDenied |
The current level of security access doesn't permit writing to the requested data identifier |
0x72 |
kGeneralProgrammingFailure |
Memory write failed |
typedef struct {
const uint8_t ctrlType; /*! routineControlType */
const uint16_t id; /*! routineIdentifier */
const uint8_t *optionRecord; /*! optional data */
const uint16_t len; /*! length of optional data */
/*! function for copying to the server send buffer. Returns `kPositiveResponse` on success and `kResponseTooLong` if the length of the data to be copied exceeds that of the server send buffer */
uint8_t (*copyStatusRecord)(UDSServer_t *srv, const void *src,
uint16_t len);
} UDSRoutineCtrlArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request accepted |
0x22 |
kConditionsNotCorrect |
The server can't perform this operation now |
0x24 |
kRequestSequenceError |
Stop requested but routine hasn't started. Start requested but routine has already started (optional). Results are not available becuase routine has never started. |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
The requested routine identifer isn't supported or the optionRecord is invalid |
0x33 |
kSecurityAccessDenied |
The current level of security access doesn't permit this operation |
0x72 |
kGeneralProgrammingFailure |
internal memory operation failed (e.g. erasing flash) |
typedef struct {
const void *addr; /*! requested address */
const size_t size; /*! requested download size */
const uint8_t dataFormatIdentifier; /*! optional specifier for format of data */
uint16_t maxNumberOfBlockLength; /*! response: inform client how many data bytes to send in each
`TransferData` request */
} UDSRequestDownloadArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request accepted |
0x22 |
kConditionsNotCorrect |
The server can't perform this operation now |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
dataFormatIdentifier invalid, addr or size invalid |
0x33 |
kSecurityAccessDenied |
The current level of security access doesn't permit this operation |
0x34 |
kAuthenticationRequired |
Client rights insufficient |
0x70 |
kUploadDownloadNotAccepted |
download cannot be accomplished due to fault |
typedef struct {
const uint8_t *const data; /*! transfer data */
const uint16_t len; /*! transfer data length */
/*! function for copying to the server send buffer. Returns `kPositiveResponse` on success and `kResponseTooLong` if the length of the data to be copied exceeds that of the server send buffer */
uint8_t (*copyResponse)(
UDSServer_t *srv, const void *src,
uint16_t len);
} UDSTransferDataArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request accepted |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
data contents invalid, length incorrect |
0x72 |
kGeneralProgrammingFailure |
Memory write failed |
0x92 |
kVoltageTooHigh |
Can't write flash: voltage too high |
0x93 |
kVoltageTooLow |
Can't write flash: voltage too low |
typedef struct {
const uint8_t *const data; /*! request data */
const uint16_t len; /*! request data length */
/*! function for copying to the server send buffer. Returns `kPositiveResponse` on success and `kResponseTooLong` if the length of the data to be copied exceeds that of the server send buffer */
uint8_t (*copyResponse)(UDSServer_t *srv, const void *src,
uint16_t len);
} UDSRequestTransferExitArgs_t;
Value | enum | Meaning |
0x00 |
kPositiveResponse |
Request accepted |
0x31 |
kRequestOutOfRange |
data contents invalid, length incorrect |
0x72 |
kGeneralProgrammingFailure |
finalizing the data transfer failed |
make test
contributions are welcome
which this project embeds
- initial release
- Add client
- Add server SID 0x27 SecurityAccess
- API changes
- removed all instances of
- refactored server download functional unit API to simplify testing
- refactored tests
- ordered by service
- documented macros
- removed middleware
- simplified server routine control API
- removed redundant function
- updated example
- added
- added server and client examples
- simplified test flow, deleted opaque macros and switch statements
- flattened client and server main structs
- simplified usage by moving isotp-c initialization parameters into server/client config structs
- remove redundant buffers in server
- refactor RDBIHandler to pass a function pointer that implements safe memmove rather than requiring the user to keep valid data around for an indefinite time or risking a buffer overflow.
- Prefer fixed-width. Avoid using
types as return types and in structures. - Transport layer is now pluggable and supports the linux kernel ISO-TP driver in addition to
. See examples.
- usability: refactored into a single .c/.h module
- usability: default transport layer configs are now built-in
- API cleanup: use
prefix on all exported functions - API cleanup: use a single callback function for all server events
- breaking API changes:
merged intoUDSErr_t
- refactored
to encourage struct inheritance UDS_TP_LINUX_SOCKET
- added server fuzz test and qemu tests
- cleaned up example tests, added isotp-c on socketcan to examples
- added
- improve client error handling
supports opaque transports. Use Iso14229TpHandle_t
to wrap a transport.
ISO14229-1 2013 6.1 describes a request-confirmation primitive to "indicate that the date passed in the service request primitive is successfully sent on the vehicle communication bus the diagnostic tester is connected to"
- polling
is eitherIDLE
- polling
contains a function for reading the transport status which includesPCANTP_ISOTP_MSGTYPE_FLAG_INDICATION_TX
- blocking
- hartkopp/can-isotp#27 (Get status of transmission?)
- hartkopp/can-isotp#51
If you're using the linux kernel driver, then you have threads and can use the excellent python-udsoncan
to implement a client.
- "The Functional addressing is applied only to single frame transmission" -- Specification of Diagnostic Communication (Diagnostic on CAN - Network Layer)
title 客户端请求状态机
note as N1
enum {
} ClientErr;
static inline bool isRequestComplete() {return state==Idle;}
while (Idle != client->state) {
end note
state Idle
state Sending
state Sent
state SentAwaitResponse
state ProcessResponse
Idle: if (ISOTP_RET_OK == isotp_receive(...)) // Error
ProcessResponse: isotp_receive()
ProcessResponse: _ClientValidateResponse(...)
ProcessResponse: _ClientHandleResponse(...)
Sending --> Sent: 传输层完成传输
Sent --> Idle : suppressPositiveResponse
Sending --> SentAwaitResponse: !suppressPositiveResponse
SentAwaitResponse -> Idle: 响应收到了 ||\np2 超时
SentAwaitResponse --> ProcessResponse : ISOTP_RECEIVE_STATUS_FULL == link->receive_status
ProcessResponse --> Idle
[*] -> Idle
Idle -> Sending : _SendRequest()
title Request Lifecycle
alt normal
alt positive response
client --> client: Sending
client -> server : *Any* Service
client --> client: SentAwaitResponse: set p2
alt 0x78 requestCorrectlyReceived-ResponsePending
server -> client : 0x3F 0x78
client -->server : txLink idle
client --> client: SentAwaitResponse: set p2star
server -> client : Positive Service Response
client --> client: Idle
else negative response
server -> client !! : Negative Service Response
client --> client: Idle: RequestErrorNegativeResponse
else SID mismatch
server -> client !! : Mismatched Service Response
client --> client: Idle: RequestErrorResponseSIDMismatch
else unexpected response
server -> client !! : Unexpected Response
client --> client: Idle: RequestErrorUnsolicitedResponse
' !pragma useVerticalIf on
title 客户端请求流程
if (验证参数) then (对)
else (不对)
if (等待UDS访问) then (访问接收了,进入UDS会话)
else (时间超过<b>20ms)
client -> server : *Any* Service
server -> userServiceHandler: handler(args)
note right: Doing this will take a long time\nso I return 0x78
userServiceHandler -> server: 0x78
server -> client : 0x3F 0x78
client -->server : txLink idle
server -> userServiceHandler: handler(args)
note right: actually call the long-running service
... p2* > t > p2 ...
userServiceHandler -> server : Service Response
server -> client : Service Response
' !pragma useVerticalIf on
title 0x78流程(写flash)
:BufferedWriterWrite(BufferedWriter *self, const uint8_t *ibuf, uint32_t size, bool RCRRP);
if (RCRRP) then (true)
:write to flash;
else (false)
if (iBufIdx == size) then (true)
:write to pageBuffer;
:iBufIdx = 0;
:return kBufferedWriterWritePending;
:0x78 RCRRP;
else (false)
:memmove(pageBuffer + pageBufIdx, iBuf + iBufIdx, size - iBufIdx);
:write to pageBuffer;
:iBufIdx += size;
:0x01 PositiveResponse;
:0x78 RCRRP;