Django codes for future use. Includes forms in django(raw forms, django forms, model forms), postgresql setup, class-based views, sessions,ajax and basics of rest framework.
|-- ajax
| |-- ajax_app
| |-- templates
|-- crud_postgresql
| |-- todo_list
| |-- templates
|-- crud_sqlite
| |-- index
| |-- raw_forms
| |-- django_forms
| |-- model_forms
| |-- templates
|-- django_channels
| |-- chat_app
|-- django_uuid
| |-- uuid_app
| |-- templates
|-- generic_views
| |-- base_views
| |-- display_views
| |-- editing_views
| |-- templates
|-- rest_api
| |-- api
| |-- rest_ajax
| |-- static
| |-- templates
|-- sessions
| |-- session_app
| |-- templates
|-- .gitignore
|-- Pipfile
|-- Pipfile.lock
This repository is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.