Implementation of point-to-plane Iterative Closest Point (ICP) using symforce.
This project implements the point-to-plane ICP algorithm using the symforce library. We build a set of points from a cube surface and use ICP to align the points to the surface of the cube by minimizing the distance between points and their corresponding plane.
The residual function computes the difference between points and their estimated plane correspondences in the point cloud using the centroid and normal of the plane. As long as the centroid/point correspondence is on the plane, it does not actually matter which point you choose.
The equation for the distance
$N_w^T$ is the normal vector of the plane in world frame. -
$T_{\text{lidar}}^w$ is the transformation from lidar frame to world frame. -
$P_{\text{lidar}}$ is the point in lidar frame. -
$Q_w$ is the centroid of the plane in world frame.
Then, the residual
This repo has code for visualizing and running point-to-plane ICP using symforce in both Python and C++
To visualize the point-to-plane ICP optimization on a simple cube in python, you can run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will also visualize the optimization using Open3D
We also have set up C++ code to run the optimization, both as a dynamic-sized problem with variable number of points, and as a fixed-size problem where you know beforehand how many points you are going to optimize. To run the C++ part of the code, you need to compile the project using cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Symforce is a libray that autogenerates highly optimized code in C++. To autogenerate the C++ functions for the point-to-plane residual and the linearization function which includes the Hessian and Jacobian, you can run
The dynamic-sized optimization uses "point_to_plane_factor.h" to create residuals for each point.
cd build
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.163] [info] Initial pose: <Pose3d [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]>
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.168] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerDynamic> [iter 0] lambda: 1.000e+00, error prev/linear/new: 6.000e+01/3.593e-02/3.593e-02, rel reduction: 9.99401e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.169] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerDynamic> [iter 1] lambda: 2.500e-01, error prev/linear/new: 3.593e-02/1.988e-06/2.008e-06, rel reduction: 9.99944e-01, gain ratio: 9.99999e-01
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.170] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerDynamic> [iter 2] lambda: 6.250e-02, error prev/linear/new: 2.008e-06/7.739e-11/7.810e-11, rel reduction: 9.99961e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.171] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerDynamic> [iter 3] lambda: 1.562e-02, error prev/linear/new: 7.810e-11/5.766e-16/5.769e-16, rel reduction: 9.99964e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.172] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerDynamic> [iter 4] lambda: 3.906e-03, error prev/linear/new: 5.769e-16/2.876e-22/2.876e-22, rel reduction: 2.06229e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerDynamic> [iter 5] lambda: 9.766e-04, error prev/linear/new: 2.876e-22/9.216e-30/9.362e-30, rel reduction: 1.29501e-07, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerDynamic> Optimization finished with status: SUCCESS
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] Optimization time: 9 milliseconds
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] Iterations: 5
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] Lambda: 0.0009765625
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] Initial error: 60
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] Final error: 9.361560273677476e-30
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] Final pose: <Pose3d [-7.25562e-16, 4.46324e-16, -3.88824e-16, 1, -4.78151e-17, 4.36386e-17, 1.41219e-16]>
[2024-04-26 16:32:50.173] [info] Status: SUCCESS
The fixed-size optimization uses the "linearization.h" file to create the optimization values directly.
cd build
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.586] [info] Initial pose: <Pose3d [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]>
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.589] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerFixed> [iter 0] lambda: 1.000e+00, error prev/linear/new: 6.000e+01/3.593e-02/3.593e-02, rel reduction: 9.99401e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.589] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerFixed> [iter 1] lambda: 2.500e-01, error prev/linear/new: 3.593e-02/1.988e-06/2.008e-06, rel reduction: 9.99944e-01, gain ratio: 9.99999e-01
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.590] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerFixed> [iter 2] lambda: 6.250e-02, error prev/linear/new: 2.008e-06/7.739e-11/7.810e-11, rel reduction: 9.99961e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.590] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerFixed> [iter 3] lambda: 1.562e-02, error prev/linear/new: 7.810e-11/5.766e-16/5.769e-16, rel reduction: 9.99964e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.590] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerFixed> [iter 4] lambda: 3.906e-03, error prev/linear/new: 5.769e-16/2.876e-22/2.876e-22, rel reduction: 2.06229e-01, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerFixed> [iter 5] lambda: 9.766e-04, error prev/linear/new: 2.876e-22/9.281e-30/9.285e-30, rel reduction: 1.29502e-07, gain ratio: 1.00000e+00
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] LM<Point-To-PlaneOptimizerFixed> Optimization finished with status: SUCCESS
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Optimization time: 4 milliseconds
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Iterations: 5
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Lambda: 0.0009765625
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Initial error: 60
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Final error: 9.284523075901987e-30
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Final pose: <Pose3d [-7.01005e-16, 4.35194e-16, -3.87603e-16, 1, -5.07319e-17, 1.86957e-17, 1.61011e-16]>
[2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Status: SUCCESS
Notice in particular that the fixed-size optimization is about 2x as fast as when solved as dynamic-size problem [2024-04-26 16:36:23.591] [info] Optimization time: 4 milliseconds
To install symforce, follow the official installation guide and remember to run the following to use symforce in another CMake project
make install
The CMake files will automatically find symforce, Eigen, FMT and spdlog for you, and are taken from