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Generates a graph from a BLIF (SIS) file.


This library uses argparse to parse arguments:

If the --fsm flag is passed to the program the blifparser library parses the input file and blif2graph uses fsm2graph to generate an FSM graph using pygraphviz.

You can also pass other arguments together with the --fsm flag:

  • --input: BLIF input file path (required)
  • --style: INI style config file path (you can use graphviz styles)
  • --output: Output file path (no extension)
  • --format: Set output graph format (default: svg)
  • --view_graph: View output graph (default: False)
  • --debug: View debug messages (default: False)
  • --graphviz_dlls: Path to Graphviz's DLLs.

    Useful when the 'DLL load failed' error is thrown (tipically thrown on Windows on non-default installations).

The fsm2graph script was inspired by generate-stg, a tool created by Mattia Corradi and Dalla Chiara Michele

Output example:

Click here to see the input file

If the --lgate flag is passed to the program the blifparser library parses the input file and blif2graph uses lgate2graph to generate a graph using pygraphviz.

You can also pass other arguments together with the --lgate flag:

  • --input: BLIF input file path (required)
  • --style: INI style config file path

    Currently not used

  • --output: Output file path (no extension)
  • --format: Set output graph format (default: svg)
  • --view_graph: View output graph (default: False)
  • --debug: View debug messages (default: False)
  • --graphviz_dlls: Path to Graphviz's DLLs.

    Useful when the 'DLL load failed' error is thrown (tipically thrown on Windows on non-default installations).

Output example:


  • red = input
  • blue = output
  • black = internal connection

Click here to see the input file



Install using pip:

pip install blif2graph

On Windows you might need to install pygraphviz manually using pip with the following command:

pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-IC:\Program Files\Graphviz\include" --global-option="-LC:\Program Files\Graphviz\lib" pygraphviz

Change "C:\Program Files\Graphviz" to the appropriate path.


You can use it from the command line:

# generates an FSM graph, fsm.blif input, fsmgraph.pdf output, view result using the default PDF viewer software at the end
python3 --fsm --input fsm.blif --output fsmgraph --format pdf --view_graph
# generates a logic gate graph, lgate.blif input, lgategraph.pdf output, view result using the default PDF viewer software at the end
python3 --lgate --input lgate.blif --output lgategraph --format pdf --view_graph
# generates an FSM graph, myfsm.blif input, default fsm.svg output, custom graphviz style, view result using the default SVG viewer software at the end
python3 --fsm --input myfsm.blif --style mystyles.ini --view_graph

Example of an FSM custom style file:

fontsize = 16
fontcolor = black
fontname = Times-Roman
rankdir = TB             # TB: top to bottom (inverse: BT), LR: left to right (inverse: RL)
splines = true
overlap = false
size = 8,5
bgcolor = transparent  
center = true
charset = UTF-8
colorscheme = 
concentrate = false   # true: concentrate arrows together in one line until a certain point
dpi = 96.0

fontsize = 16
arrowsize = .5
arrowhead = normal
arrowtail = normal
color = gray31
fillcolor = black
fontcolor = black
fontname = Times-Roman
colorscheme = 
constraint = true
decorate = true
dir = forward
penwidth = 1.0

fontsize = 16
colorscheme = 
color = black
fillcolor = black
fontcolor = black
fontname = Times-Roman
penwidth = 2.0

You can also import the script and call the main() function passing a list of arguments:

import blif2graph
params = "   --fsm  --input    ..\\myfsm.blif --format  pdf  --view_graph   "
params = [param for param in params.split(" ") if param.strip() != ""]

On Windows, when graphviz is NOT installed in the default path, you might encounter the following error:

ImportError requires pygraphviz

Please, (if someone didn't post this error already) create a Github Issue here: ''
to help the developer to fix the problem

POSSIBLE FIX: try the --graphviz_dlls parameter.

Something went wrong during graph creation

To fix this try using the --graphviz_dlls option pointing to the bin folder inside graphviz directory:

REM generates an FSM graph, fsm.blif input, fsmgraph.pdf output, view result using the default PDF viewer software at the end
python3 --fsm --input fsm.blif --output fsmgraph --format pdf --view_graph --graphviz_dlls "A:\Applications\Graphviz\bin"

In this example graphviz is installed in the A:\Applications\Graphviz folder.

REM generates a logic gate graph, lgate.blif input, lgategraph.pdf output, view result using the default PDF viewer software at the end
python3 --lgate --input lgate.blif --output lgategraph --format pdf --view_graph --graphviz_dlls "A:\Applications\Graphviz\bin"

In this example graphviz is installed in the A:\Applications\Graphviz folder.

REM generates an FSM graph, myfsm.blif input, default fsm.svg output, custom graphviz style, view result using the default SVG viewer software at the end
python3 --fsm --input myfsm.blif --style mystyles.ini --view_graph --graphviz_dlls "A:\Applications\Graphviz\bin"

In this example graphviz is installed in the A:\Applications\Graphviz folder.


WIP 2.0.0:


  • Dropped support for python < 3.7
  • Use pygraphviz library instead of the graphviz library

    pygraphviz is required by networkx which is needed to make logic gate graphs


  • Added lgate2graph logic: generates a graph from logic gates.


  • Better fsm default styles

    Example: the background color is white instead of transparent. This is preferable when the background of a viewer application is dark (the background allows you to see the lines and text).

  • Ignore DPI setting when the output format is "svg"

    Before this fix the svg got cut off

2021-09-10 1.0.0:
First commit


Stefano Zenaro (mario33881)


Generate graphs from BLIF files








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