A rails blogging engine (Rails 5.2+) that supports modern IndieWeb standards, like MicroPub and IndieAuth.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'oak-rails', github: 'jeffmcfadden/oak'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install oak
Mount the engine in routes.rb
mount Oak::Engine, at: "/blog"
Install and run the migrations
$ rails oak:install:migrations
$ rails db:migrate
- Install the Acts as Taggable migrations
Install Friendly ID if you didn't already have it in your app
$ rails generate friendly_id
$ rails db:migrate
Create a file in your rails app config/initializers/oak.rb
Here's an example configuration:
Oak.configure do |config|
config.author_class = "User"
if Rails.env.development?
config.site_name = "TEST My Great Blog"
config.site_name = "My Great Blog"
config.site_description = "The words of a writer, written down."
config.posts_per_page = 8
config.tags_to_exclude_from_home_page = ['micro','secret']
Oak currently only supports S3 as the backing service for assets. This largely because of the PostAsset#public_url
method implementation. (Would welcome any PRs that want to clean that up).
Be sure that you have the following environment variables setup (values are examples):
ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] = "CjBLCfdxasdf35p08dua;"
ENV['AWS_BUCKET'] = "my.blog.assets"
ENV['AWS_REGION'] = "us-west-1"
- Intended only for a personal site with a single blog.
- Not intended for use with multiple authors, though you can sorta get around that.
- Authorizing via IndieAuth
- Publishing text via MicroPub
- Creating/Editing/Removing Posts
- RSS Feed
- JSON Feed
- Tags
- Support for Media uploads via Admin
- Receiving Webmentions (just displayed in admin at this time)
- Sending Webmentions (sent manually at this time)
- Micropub Media Endpoint
- Deleting / Undeleting Posts (via MicroPub, works fine via admin interface)
- Easier/Better Integration with the host application. Still requires a lot of hand-work to get things working smoothly.
- Syndication
- Pubsub
Currently 24/34 test passing at the micropub.rocks tests: https://micropub.rocks/implementation-reports/servers/278/Ix5NV57E72H4mWjUhdIh
Or, checkout the entire W3C Micropub Spec.
Fork, pull request.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.