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[android_webview] Move the glue layer into android_webview/glue
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This checks in a copy of the WebView glue layer from master-chromium
at revision d519b07bd3cb09b571689b00250cb5de977b4dfc.
Changes to make the code adhere to the style guide, fix up warnigns
and actually switch over to this from the copy in third_party will
be made as subsequent CLs.


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#307732}
  • Loading branch information
Marcin Kosiba committed Dec 10, 2014
1 parent f827854 commit d6d785a
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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.util.Log;
import android.webkit.CookieManager;
import android.webkit.ValueCallback;
import android.webkit.WebView;

import org.chromium.android_webview.AwCookieManager;

public class CookieManagerAdapter extends CookieManager {

private static final String LOGTAG = "CookieManager";

AwCookieManager mChromeCookieManager;

public CookieManagerAdapter(AwCookieManager chromeCookieManager) {
mChromeCookieManager = chromeCookieManager;

public synchronized void setAcceptCookie(boolean accept) {

public synchronized boolean acceptCookie() {
return mChromeCookieManager.acceptCookie();

public synchronized void setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(WebView webView, boolean accept) {

public synchronized boolean acceptThirdPartyCookies(WebView webView) {
return webView.getSettings().getAcceptThirdPartyCookies();

public void setCookie(String url, String value) {
try {
mChromeCookieManager.setCookie(fixupUrl(url), value);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Not setting cookie due to error parsing URL: " + url, e);

public void setCookie(String url, String value, ValueCallback<Boolean> callback) {
try {
mChromeCookieManager.setCookie(fixupUrl(url), value, callback);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Not setting cookie due to error parsing URL: " + url, e);

public String getCookie(String url) {
try {
return mChromeCookieManager.getCookie(fixupUrl(url));
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Unable to get cookies due to error parsing URL: " + url, e);
return null;

public String getCookie(String url, boolean privateBrowsing) {
return getCookie(url);

// TODO(igsolla): remove this override once the WebView apk does not longer need
// to be binary compatibility with the API 21 version of the framework
* IMPORTANT: This override is required for compatibility with the API 21 version of
* {@link CookieManager}.
public synchronized String getCookie(WebAddress uri) {
return mChromeCookieManager.getCookie(uri.toString());

public void removeSessionCookie() {

public void removeSessionCookies(ValueCallback<Boolean> callback) {

public void removeAllCookie() {

public void removeAllCookies(ValueCallback<Boolean> callback) {

public synchronized boolean hasCookies() {
return mChromeCookieManager.hasCookies();

public synchronized boolean hasCookies(boolean privateBrowsing) {
return mChromeCookieManager.hasCookies();

public void removeExpiredCookie() {

public void flush() {

protected boolean allowFileSchemeCookiesImpl() {
return mChromeCookieManager.allowFileSchemeCookies();

protected void setAcceptFileSchemeCookiesImpl(boolean accept) {

private static String fixupUrl(String url) throws ParseException {
// WebAddress is a private API in the android framework and a "quirk"
// of the Classic WebView implementation that allowed embedders to
// be relaxed about what URLs they passed into the CookieManager, so we
// do the same normalisation before entering the chromium stack.
return new WebAddress(url).toString();

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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.view.View;
import android.util.Log;


import org.chromium.content.common.CleanupReference;

// Simple Java abstraction and wrapper for the native DrawGLFunctor flow.
// An instance of this class can be constructed, bound to a single view context (i.e. AwContennts)
// and then drawn and detached from the view tree any number of times (using requestDrawGL and
// detach respectively). Then when finished with, it can be explicitly released by calling
// destroy() or will clean itself up as required via finalizer / CleanupReference.
class DrawGLFunctor {

private static final String TAG = DrawGLFunctor.class.getSimpleName();

// Pointer to native side instance
private CleanupReference mCleanupReference;
private DestroyRunnable mDestroyRunnable;
private WebViewDelegate mWebViewDelegate;

public DrawGLFunctor(long viewContext, WebViewDelegate webViewDelegate) {
mDestroyRunnable = new DestroyRunnable(nativeCreateGLFunctor(viewContext), webViewDelegate);
mCleanupReference = new CleanupReference(this, mDestroyRunnable);
mWebViewDelegate = webViewDelegate;

public void destroy() {
if (mCleanupReference != null) {
mCleanupReference = null;
mDestroyRunnable = null;
mWebViewDelegate = null;

public void detach() {

public boolean requestDrawGL(Canvas canvas, View containerView,
boolean waitForCompletion) {
if (mDestroyRunnable.mNativeDrawGLFunctor == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("requested DrawGL on already destroyed DrawGLFunctor");

if (canvas != null && waitForCompletion) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("requested a blocking DrawGL with a not null canvas.");

if (!mWebViewDelegate.canInvokeDrawGlFunctor(containerView)) {
return false;

mDestroyRunnable.mContainerView = containerView;

if (canvas == null) {
mDestroyRunnable.mNativeDrawGLFunctor, waitForCompletion);
return true;

mWebViewDelegate.callDrawGlFunction(canvas, mDestroyRunnable.mNativeDrawGLFunctor);
return true;

public static void setChromiumAwDrawGLFunction(long functionPointer) {

// Holds the core resources of the class, everything required to correctly cleanup.
// IMPORTANT: this class must not hold any reference back to the outer DrawGLFunctor
// instance, as that will defeat GC of that object.
private static final class DestroyRunnable implements Runnable {
private WebViewDelegate mWebViewDelegate;
View mContainerView;
long mNativeDrawGLFunctor;
DestroyRunnable(long nativeDrawGLFunctor, WebViewDelegate webViewDelegate) {
mNativeDrawGLFunctor = nativeDrawGLFunctor;
mWebViewDelegate = webViewDelegate;

// Called when the outer DrawGLFunctor instance has been GC'ed, i.e this is its finalizer.
public void run() {
mNativeDrawGLFunctor = 0;

void detachNativeFunctor() {
if (mNativeDrawGLFunctor != 0 && mContainerView != null
&& mWebViewDelegate != null) {
mWebViewDelegate.detachDrawGlFunctor(mContainerView, mNativeDrawGLFunctor);
mContainerView = null;
mWebViewDelegate = null;

private static native long nativeCreateGLFunctor(long viewContext);
private static native void nativeDestroyGLFunctor(long functor);
private static native void nativeSetChromiumAwDrawGLFunction(long functionPointer);
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.webkit.WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams;

import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContentsClient;

public class FileChooserParamsAdapter extends FileChooserParams {
private AwContentsClient.FileChooserParams mParams;

public static Uri[] parseFileChooserResult(int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
return null;
Uri result = intent == null || resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK ? null
: intent.getData();

Uri[] uris = null;
if (result != null) {
uris = new Uri[1];
uris[0] = result;
return uris;

FileChooserParamsAdapter(AwContentsClient.FileChooserParams params, Context context) {
mParams = params;

public int getMode() {
return mParams.mode;

public String[] getAcceptTypes() {
if (mParams.acceptTypes == null)
return new String[0];
return mParams.acceptTypes.split(";");

public boolean isCaptureEnabled() {
return mParams.capture;

public CharSequence getTitle() {
return mParams.title;

public String getFilenameHint() {
return mParams.defaultFilename;

public Intent createIntent() {
// TODO: Move this code to Aw. Once code is moved
// and merged to M37 get rid of this.
String mimeType = "*/*";
if (mParams.acceptTypes != null && !mParams.acceptTypes.trim().isEmpty())
mimeType = mParams.acceptTypes.split(";")[0];

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
return i;
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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.webkit.GeolocationPermissions;
import android.webkit.ValueCallback;

import org.chromium.android_webview.AwGeolocationPermissions;

import java.util.Set;

* Chromium implementation of GeolocationPermissions -- forwards calls to the
* chromium internal implementation.
final class GeolocationPermissionsAdapter extends GeolocationPermissions {

private AwGeolocationPermissions mChromeGeolocationPermissions;

public GeolocationPermissionsAdapter(AwGeolocationPermissions chromeGeolocationPermissions) {
mChromeGeolocationPermissions = chromeGeolocationPermissions;

public void allow(String origin) {

public void clear(String origin) {

public void clearAll() {

public void getAllowed(String origin, ValueCallback<Boolean> callback) {
mChromeGeolocationPermissions.getAllowed(origin, callback);

public void getOrigins(ValueCallback<Set<String>> callback) {

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