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This project implements the programming project MAGOS, which means Maze GeneratOr and Solver and is composed of some subprojects: Canvas, Maze, Render, Builder, Solver.

The project is a perfect maze generator and solver.

A perfect maze is a maze where each location (cell) is reachable from any other one, and where there is one, and only one, path connecting each pair of locations.


Marcos Antonio Cavalcanti Junior


The folder and files structure is the following:

  • include folder contains the headers of classes

  • helpers folder contains other resources useful to implementation

  • src folder contains the implementation of the classes

  • test folder contains codes to test classes and other codes

  • build folder will contain compilation files generated with help of CMake

  • run folder will contain the executables generated

  • data folder will contain data used by the project, like images, configurations, inputs, ouputs, etc

    • builder folder will contain imagens generated by the builder application
    • solver folder will contain imagens generated by the solver application


You can go to root directory of the project and:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make

Or, if you would like to do all from root:

$ mkdir build
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild
$ make -C build/ --no-print-directory


All executables will be placed in run/ folder. So, you can run typing:

$ ./run/[EXECUTABLE]

These are the main executables:

  • builder builds a new maze using Hash Table strategy
  • solver solves a maze (currently, using the Backtracking strategy)
  • magos performs the game it self building and solving a maze

More details about each executables can be found at CMakeLists.txt file.


A configuration file is set in the root directory, doxygen.cfg. If you want to generate yours, you can type:

$ doxygen -g [NAME]

Its recommended to custom the following tags: PROJECT_NAME, OUTPUT_DIRECTORY and EXTRACT_PRIVATE.

To generate the files containing the documentation, type:

$ doxygen doxygen.cfg


You can use ffmpeg to make video files of building and solving processes. For example:

ffmpeg -framerate 10 -i building_%06d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" builder.mp4

ffmpeg -framerate 10 -i solving_%06d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" solver.mp4


  • On class Maze

    • introduce valid_coord() in to_index() and get_cell(), and implement exceptions
    • implement methods to get states of cells and walls
    • refactor order of bits: four first to be walls states
    • turn Cell type back to private
    • refactor method to reset states in set_state()
    • refactor number of bits used, from 8 to 6
  • On class Render

    • refactor draw_cell() to use methods provided by Maze
    • document with details
    • draw cell and path of solution
  • On class MagosGame

    • prevent executable to run without parameters
  • Implement Builder and Solver classes (each class name will refer to the method used)

    • class HashBuilder
    • class Solver
  • On class HashBuilder

    • introduce render object
    • save snapshots of maze
    • remove internal render and receive it by parameter
    • create step() method
    • rename class roulette and port it to inside HashBuilder
    • implement Hash Table as a std::vector (internal class)
    • number format in file names
  • On class HashTable

    • implement exceptions ( key2index(), merge_by_key() )
    • document with details
    • separate build_maze() to build_maze() + build_step() (use class Roulette?)
    • delete statement on destructor
  • On class Solver

    • comment with details
    • number format in file names
  • General/Missing

    • improve comments
    • implement delete statements
    • update draw_cell()
    • number format in file names
    • comment Magos Game class


Maze Generator and Solver Project






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