o11y is an experiment with monitoring tools with the sole aim to learn.
Make sure you're on a Mac and that you got Docker, Prometheus, Prometheus' Pushgateway docker image, Prometheus' Node exporter, Grafana, Kafka, Kafka's Prometheus Exporter, NodeJS and yarn installed on your machine.
You'll likely not have Prometheus, Prometheu's Pushgateway docker image and the Node exporter installed, so run this:
brew install prometheus grafana node_exporter
brew install java
brew install kafka
docker pull prom/pushgateway:latest
docker pull danielqsj/kafka-exporter:latest
yarn bootstrap # install the dependencies
yarn start # start the experiment
Import these dashboards on Grafana after you've set Prometheus as a data source there. See Grafana and Prometheus for more information on how to do this.
Runs on http://localhost:9090
Here are some queries you can run on the search console to test if Prometheus is monitoring itself:
Here are some example queries from Prometheus' Node exporter that you can run on the search console:
By default, listens on http://localhost:3000
, and the default login is admin
See https://prometheus.io/docs/visualization/grafana/#using for more information on setting Prometheus as a data source.
You can visit the Pushgateways' console on http://localhost:9091
Creates a frontend_metrics
topic, consumed by Kafka's server instance running on http://localhost:9092
Runs on http://localhost:9308