This is a very simple library to generate SELECT queries in SQL SERVER. It is possible generate queries with many columns, prefix, many possibles where´s clause, parameters and more. ✌️ 😉
Package write in C#, framework .Net 4.8
Adapted from the original design for use with a firebird database. Tested with Firebird 2.5 and changed the framework to 4.6.1. Original design and credits for:
Declare a using:
using Vip.SqlQuery;
var query = SqlQuery.New()
.Select(new[] {"ProductId" "Product", "Description", "Price", "p"})
.From("Product p")
Query return:
SELECT [p].[ProductId], [p].[Product], [p].[Description], [p].[Price]
FROM [Product] [p]
ORDER BY [p].[ProdutoId]