Pile is a concatenative programming language designed to teach programming logic, stack-based concepts, and computer science fundamentals.
WARNING: This language is not finished, there's no warranty of this software in any way. Use it at your own risk!.
To build Pile from source, you need Rust programming language compiler and Cargo package manager installed.
Clone the repository, go into the repository's directory and run:
$ cargo build --release # or cargo b -r
Use the interpreter by running the executable in target/release/
$ ./target/release/pile # or pile.exe on Windows
Pile's full documentation and website can be visited at pile-online.vercel.app.
If you want a quick approach to the language basics, consider taking a look at the BASICS.md
Explore the ./examples
folder for code examples.
Pile has no editor support yet.
You can read the GOALS.md
file to find out what I want to implement in the language in the future and some ideas.
Licensed under GPL 3.0. See
for details.
Developed by Marcio Dantas