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This Hardhat plugin add 4 tasks and 3 functions to deploy and upgrade smart contracts.
Step include :
- Compile your contracts
- Verify storage layout, deploy a proxy admin if non existent, deploy implementation contract if non existent
- Get last commit id (8 first characters)
- Deploy a Transparent Upgradeable Proxy OR Upgrade Proxy using implementation contract
- Save address of the Proxy, Proxy Admin address and initialize arguments
- Verify contract on etherscan.io (if selected)
- Commit new storage layout file and address file with Contract Name and CommitId in commit msg
- Git Pull & Push
With NPM
npm install deployment-tool
Or with Yarn
yarn add deployment-tool
Inside inside hardhat.config.js
or inside hardhat.config.ts (Typescript)
import 'deployment-tool'
Clone this repository and create a symlink
git clone https://github.com/marc-aurele-besner/deployment-tool
cd deployment-tool
npm install
npm run build
npm link
in the hardhat project, you want to use this plugin
npm link deployment-tool
npx hardhat deployment
npx hardhat deploy-contract
npx hardhat upgrade-contract
npx hardhat deploy-contract-static
npx hardhat test-deploy-then-upgrade-contract
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deploy-contract [--contract-name ] [--extra ] [--initialize-arguments ] [--initialize-signature ] [--skip-git ] [--tag ] [--verify-contract ]
- --contract-name The name of the contract to deploy (default: "")
- --extra Extra data to save with this deployment (default: "")
- --initialize-arguments The initialize() argument (default: "")
- --initialize-signature Function signature of the initialize function (default: "")
- --skip-git Skit git commit, pull & push (default: "false")
- --tag Add a extra tag to this version of the contract (default: "")
- --verify-contract Validate the contract on Etherscan.io (default: "false")
deploy-contract: Deploy a proxy contract, initialize it, save the address, commit, pull and push
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] upgrade-contract [--contract-name ] [--extra ] [--skip-git ] [--tag ] [--verify-contract ]
- --contract-name The name of the contract to deploy (default: "")
- --extra Extra data to save with this deployment (default: "")
- --skip-git Skit git commit, pull & push (default: "false")
- --tag Add a extra tag to this version of the contract (default: "")
- --verify-contract Validate the contract on Etherscan.io (default: "false")
upgrade-contract: Upgrade a proxy contract, save the address, commit, pull and push
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deploy-contract-static [--contract-name ] [--extra ] [--constructor-arguments ] [--skip-git ] [--tag ] [--verify-contract ]
- --contract-name The name of the contract to deploy (default: "")
- --extra Extra data to save with this deployment (default: "")
- --constructor-arguments The constructor() argument (default: "")
- --skip-git Skit git commit, pull & push (default: "false")
- --tag Add a extra tag to this version of the contract (default: "")
- --verify-contract Validate the contract on Etherscan.io (default: "false")
deploy-contract-static: Deploy a static contract, save the address, commit, pull and push
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] test-deploy-then-upgrade-contract [--contract-name ] [--extra ] [--initialize-arguments ] [--initialize-signature ] [--skip-git ] [--tag ] [--verify-contract ]
- --contract-name The name of the contract to deploy (default: "")
- --extra Extra data to save with this deployment (default: "")
- --initialize-arguments The initialize() argument (default: "")
- --initialize-signature Function signature of the initialize function (default: "")
- --skip-git Skit git commit, pull & push (default: "false")
- --tag Add a extra tag to this version of the contract (default: "")
- --verify-contract Validate the contract on Etherscan.io (default: "false")
test-deploy-then-upgrade-contract: Upgrade a proxy contract, save the address, commit, pull and push
Function allow you to use the deployment OR upgrade script in scripts or tests files, they all return a instance of the contract that you can use.
const { contractDeployment } = require('hardhat');
contractName: string,
initializeArguments: any[] = [],
initializeSignature: string = 'initialize',
tag?: string,
extra?: any,
skipGit?: boolean,
verifyContract?: boolean
contractName: string,
tag?: string,
extra?: any,
skipGit?: boolean,
verifyContract?: boolean
contractName: string,
initializeArguments: any[] = [],
initializeSignature: string = 'initialize',
tag?: string,
extra?: any,
skipGit?: boolean,
verifyContract?: boolean
│ .eslintrc.js
│ .npmignore
│ .prettierignore
│ .prettierrc
│ README3.md
│ awesome-readme.config.js
│ package-lock.json
│ package.json
│ tsconfig.json
│ tsconfig.prod.json
│ tslint.json
└─── src/
│ ContractDeployment.ts
│ deploy.ts
│ deployProxy.ts
│ index.ts
│ serveTasks.ts
│ type-extensions.ts
│ upgradeProxy.ts
│ utils.ts
This package/plugin use other hardhat plugins that you can then reuse, for example https://www.npmjs.com/package/hardhat-awesome-cli is used to save the contract address and initialization details, this can be access with a function like
const { addressBook } = require('hardhat');
addressBook.retrieveContractObject(contractName: string, deployedNetwork: string)