- Author: Chiam Yu Ng
- Reference: Chiam Yu Ng, Lin Wang, Anupam Chowdhury and Costas D. Maranas, 2018 (under review)
- Details on the algorithms is provided in the paper.
Setup your optStoic
design equation
. -
Create a
dictionary of exchange reactions for each metabolite that participate in the equation. E.g.,
user_defined_export_rxns_Sji = {
'EX_glc': {'C00031': -1.0},
'EX_nad': {'C00003': -1.0},
'EX_adp': {'C00008': -1.0},
'EX_phosphate': {'C00009': -1.0},
'EX_pyruvate': {'C00022': -1.0},
'EX_nadh': {'C00004': -1.0},
'EX_atp': {'C00002': -1.0},
'EX_h2o': {'C00001': -1.0},
'EX_hplus': {'C00080': -1.0},
'EX_nadp': {'C00006': -1.0},
'EX_nadph': {'C00005': -1.0}
- Create a
dictionary for the upper and lower bound to the exchange flux.
specific_bounds = {'EX_glc': {'LB': -1, 'UB': -1},
'EX_pyruvate': {'LB': 2, 'UB': 2},
'EX_nad': {'LB': -2, 'UB': 0},
'EX_nadh': {'LB': 0, 'UB': 2},
'EX_nadp': {'LB': -2, 'UB': 0},
'EX_nadph': {'LB': 0, 'UB': 2},
'EX_adp': {'LB': -1, 'UB': -1},
'EX_phosphate': {'LB': -1, 'UB': -1},
'EX_atp': {'LB': 1, 'UB': 1},
'EX_h2o': {'LB': 1, 'UB': 1},
'EX_hplus': {'LB': -10, 'UB': 10}}
- Setup your custom constraints for the pathway.
v('EX_nadph') + v('EX_nadh') = 2;
v('EX_nadp') + v('EX_nad') = -2;
v('EX_nadh') + v('EX_nad') = 0;
v('EX_nadph') + v('EX_nadp') = 0;
can be written as:
custom_flux_constraints = [
{'constraint_name': 'nadphcons1',
'reactions': ['EX_nadph', 'EX_nadh'],
'UB': 2,
'LB': 2},
{'constraint_name': 'nadphcons2',
'reactions': ['EX_nadp', 'EX_nad'],
'UB': -2,
'LB': -2},
{'constraint_name': 'nadphcons3',
'reactions': ['EX_nadh', 'EX_nad'],
'UB': 0,
'LB': 0},
{'constraint_name': 'nadphcons4',
'reactions': ['EX_nadph', 'EX_nadp'],
'UB': 0,
'LB': 0}]
Perform blocked reaction analysis (see
details). -
Perform internal loop analysis to obtain the
matrix (seeoptstoicpy.script.data_preprocessing.test_internal_loop_analysis
for details). -
Setup optStoic database loading (
). -
Finally, setup the optStoic simulation (
). -
Visualize pathways (
) and analyze pathways (optstoicpy.script.pathway_analysis