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Bruno Simon brunosimon

Creative Journey Paris

Jared S Tarbell jaredstarbell
I write computer programs to build machines. The machines generate geometric structure. Most machines output an infinite number of forms.

Levitated Toy Factory Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Darius Kazemi dariusk
Mozilla Fellow 2018-2019.

Meedan Portland, OR

Adam Morse mrmrs
Generative artist. Computational designer. Exploring what can and can't be computed within design.
Pascal Birchler swissspidy
Developer Relations Engineer @google. @WordPress & @wp-cli Core Committer. Foodie. Polyglot.

@Google Zurich, Switzerland

Kitty Giraudel KittyGiraudel
Non-binary trans accessibility & diversity advocate, frontend developer, author. Real life cat.

Cofenster Berlin

Jose 120photo
Problem Solver

New York, NY

author of mise-en-place, oclif, and heroku/cli

@amzn Dallas, TX

Peter Bengtsson peterbe
Full-stack web dev working on GitHub React Platform team. Formerly GitHub Docs, Mozilla, MDN. Loves Python, Postgres, Node, Search.

GitHub South Carolina, USA

David Walsh darkwing
Senior Engineering Manager, Front-End Developer, @mootools Core Developer, Javascript Fanatic, CSS Tinkerer, Node Hacker, web and open source lover.

Mozilla Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Nicole Sullivan stubbornella
WebKit Layout & Rendering manager at Apple. Ex-Google Chrome. Ex-npm. OOCSS, CSSLint, Smush It, Dr Frankenstyle, typeOmatic. CSSConf founder, author, speaker 🌈

Stubbornella San Francisco

Nicolas Gallagher necolas
Working on @reactjs for the web

Meta San Francisco, CA

Ariel Flesler flesler
Senior Full Stack Engineer

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Chris Clarke ChristopherC

Herbalife International Los Angeles, CA

Vasilis van Gemert vasilisvg
Missing a repo? I probably moved it to

HvA Amsterdam

Chuan Shi chuanxshi
Senior engineer guiding developers to mastery in web, serverless & AI development. Avoid common pitfalls and embrace best pracatices 🚀

InfinitAI Singapore

Connor Montgomery connor
Building @thebrowsercompany! Prev: long time @pinterest. Probably on a tennis court.

@thebrowsercompany Kansas City

James Pearce jamesgpearce
Former Engineering Director at Meta: data infra, dev tools, open source, and too much of the Portal v1 codebase.

On a boat, hopefully in the tropics

Mathias Bynens mathiasbynens
Web standards fanatic. JavaScript, HTML, CSS, HTTP, performance, security, Bash, Unicode, macOS.


Paul Irish paulirish

Google Chrome, ♥z

John Resig jeresig
Chief Software Architect at @Khan Academy

@Khan Hudson Valley, NY

Tim Pope tpope
Vim plugin artist

Brooklyn, NY