Please change your product so that prefers-reduced-motion is automatically supported. Specifically, if the browser indicates that the site visitor has specified that they don't want animation, flyTo, jumpTo, and easeTo would automatically not animate the transition, but simply display the new view. Chrome, Firefox, and Safari support this setting.
This is important because these effects can make some people, myself included, feel ill. That's probably not something you want associated with your product.
The advantage is that you can still provide animation for people who are not bothered by it without making people who are bothered by it feel ill.
Design Alternatives
This could be accommodated by querying the CSS media query prefers-reduced-motion. This is currently supported in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
The no-change option would be to expect websites to reduce animation for everyone or else leave people to learn to avoid a website if it makes them feel ill.
What will this design look like to developers?
The intent is that MapBox would implement this feature automatically so that developers do not need to be concerned with it.
What will this design look like to end users?
If an end user has set their operating system to reduce or eliminate animation, then maps will always go from one state to another with no movement transition.
If an end user has not set their operating system to reduce or eliminate animation, then maps will display with whatever movement transition the developer has programmed.
How will we teach this design?
Since this would be implemented universally, no training would be needed. That said, you might link to an article on the subjects such as (warning: some people have reported that the image at the top of this article triggers symptoms similar to those caused by animation)
What terminology will work best for the new concepts introduced by this design?
vestibular disorders
What existing precedents support the new concepts? home page detects prefers-reduced-motion in supporting browsers and either animates or not depending on that setting.
Where do the concepts set new precedents?
None, although this is an emerging best practice.
How you would implement the design in Javascript?
If prefers-reduced-motion is set to reduce,
then transition between two map states without animation.
How you would implement the design in C++?
Same pseudocode.
What parts of the Mapbox GL ecosystem will need to change to accommodate this design?
flyTo, jumpTo, and easeTo
Are there any important edge cases?
There is disagreement on how to handle browsers which do not support prefers-reduced-motion, such as IE or Edge. Some recommend treating such browsers as requesting no animation; some provide the animation.