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hsbcAntifraud project

used only for hsbc examination purpose

features/functions introduction

refers to image

  • A rule, which can be configured and executed for a certain rule based on features, for example, is it a suspicious login (rule2)
  • A feature/variable, which can be configured and executed for a certain feature based on user data, for example, how many failed login attempts an account tried (xIllegalLogins)
  • A data, which simulates and mocks data which will be used for feature computation
  • support for antifraud detecting & message processing, which process messages/payloads and gives fraud alert & logs

deliverables announcements

  • source code is within
  • tests are under anitfraud-web/src/test; reports with coverage using maven can be generated and locate under antifraud-web/target/site/jacco-aggregate/index.html
  • Kubernetes deployment file is under /Docker & /center.yaml;
  • Documentation is as below mentioned, including functionality & architect docs; also some detailed tips are within code
  • Resilience test has to go over aliyun and give a manual demonstration, for example it needs to shutdown pod manually and check logs and mq see the processing which hasn't been jepardized

arch & docs

  • logical arch regarding image
  • a sequence diagram which demonstrates a major flow of execution image
  • deployment arch image

code structure & modules

  • antifraud-web module, it provides messaging and web related functions, also configurations and tests are within
  • antifraud-service module, it provides all antifraud related services and all regarding utils, model, etc


all tests are under antifraud-web/src/test/java/...; tests can be run in either idea or triggered by a maven build

  • NOTED, to make test running locally, shall be set to dev, which is located antifraud-web/src/main/resources/application.yml
    • active: dev

the unit test regarding each major feature and modules

  • FeatureTest
  • RuleTest
  • EnvTest, it is regarding environtment settings
  • MessagingTest, it is regarding messaging send & receiving to ali-cloud.

the integration test

  • AntifraudTest
    • testIntegration1 is an integration test in a non-message way, which can be run locally and detection will be alerted through console
    • testIntegration2 is an integration test in a message way, which is sent to mq and all nodes can consume messages and do fraud detects

mocked traffics locate in this test

test report and coverage

  • this project uses surefire and jacco, in which test results will be output under antifraud-web/target/site/jacco-aggregate/index.html
  • following is a test coverage report generated by jacco image


it is deployed on ali-cloud ack

  • it is in a mirror way to deploy ack env
  • the deployment details can be viewed in either Dockerfile & center.yaml
  • the system also used in a flow to deploy the deployable


the message consuming can be monitored and controlled in following commands

  • start curl localhost:8080/antifraud/start
  • stop curl localhost:8080/antifraud/stop
  • status (shows how many thread is running) curl localhost:8080/antifraud/status
  • enlarge (when concurrent consumers are not enough, can enlarge on the fly) curl localhost:8080/antifraud/enlarge

latency can be analyzed only through log for now

  • check info.log using grep "cost" /home/logs/antifraud/info.log
  • latency tracks is a cost stats which give milliseconds of the whole antifraud execution process



in order to run this u need to have following criteria

  • jdk8
  • maven
  • springboot

access aliyun using following account

-  using a subaccount to login ack env
    +   choose to use subaccount login
    + loginname and password is ->        ape@1234
    + shall bind a mobile in order to login
-  login url ->
-  then shall able to login and see this screen below 
-  application nodes can be accessed through 工作负载>>无状态>>hsbc-antifraud-test 
-  hpa settngs are under 工作负载>>无状态>>hsbc-antifraud-test>>容器伸缩
-  mq using mns, can reach through following
-  logs are under 运维管理>>日志中心>>应用日志, an example is shown below




certain assumptions are taken as below to simply situation or give a default solution giving this examination purpose

  • assume that rule and scenario are single to single relationship
  • assume single rule enough to detect fraud, otherwise it will involve flow engine which is out of the scope of this exam
  • assume data which used in feature/variable computing can be mocked, otherwise db or other storage will be involved
  • assume that minimal configurations to rules/features are involved, otherwise system need to be separated into two sub-sytems, 1 console for configuration and 2 running engine for execution
  • assume that feature computing can be simplified
  • assume that fraud notifications/alerts can be simplified through log
  • assume that traffic can be sent through either local env or a node


only for examination purpose






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