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🗣️ Chat with LLM like Vicuna totally in your browser with WebGPU, safely, privately, and with no server. Powered By web-llm.
🤖 Everything runs inside the browser with no server support and is accelerated with WebGPU.
⚙️ Model runs in a web worker, ensuring that it doesn't block the user interface and providing a seamless experience.
🚀 Easy to deploy for free with one-click on Vercel in under 1 minute, then you get your own ChatLLM Web.
💾 Model caching is supported, so you only need to download the model once.
💬 Multi-conversation chat, with all data stored locally in the browser for privacy.
📝 Markdown and streaming response support: math, code highlighting, etc.
🎨 responsive and well-designed UI, including dark mode.
🌐 To use this app, you need a browser that supports WebGPU, such as Chrome 113 or Chrome Canary. Chrome versions ≤ 112 are not supported.
💻 You will need a GPU with about 6.4GB of memory. If your GPU has less memory, the app will still run, but the response time will be slower.
📥 The first time you use the app, you will need to download the model. For the Vicuna-7b model that we are currently using, the download size is about 4GB. After the initial download, the model will be loaded from the browser cache for faster usage.
ℹ️ For more details, please visit mlc.ai/web-llm
[✅] LLM: using web worker to create an LLM instance and generate answers.
[✅] Conversations: Multi-conversation support is available.
[] Desktop: Build a desktop version with Tauri, which will use system cache (not just browser cache) and run locally and offline.
[] UI: Dark and Light Theme.
git clone https://github.com/Ryan-yang125/ChatLLM-Web.git
cd ChatLLM-Web
npm i
npm run dev