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πŸ‘€ Overview

Toastive is a lightweight, highly customizable, and easy-to-use native web component library for creating toast notifications.

Some of the key features include:

  • πŸͺΆ Lightweight: The minified version is less than 5KB.
  • 🎨 Customizable: Easily customize the appearance of the toasts. More than 30 css variables to styling a toast that you will love.
  • πŸš€ Easy to use: Just one showToastive() method is enought!.
  • πŸ“¦ Zero dependencies: No dependencies required.
  • 🌐 Cross-browser: Works in all modern or older browser that suporrt web components.
  • πŸ“± Responsive: Works on all devices.
  • 🌈 Themes: Comes with variants out of the box.

πŸ“¦ Installation


npm install toastive


yarn add toastive

πŸš€ Usage

Toastive element is, at the end of the day, a web component. So, you can use it like any other web component. However, we also provide a simple API to make it easier to use.

Import the module

import { showToastive } from 'toastive'


The showToastive() method is the simplest way to show a toast notification. It accepts an object with the following properties:

Property Description Type Default
autoClose Auto close the toast after a specified time (in milliseconds). boolean true
closeButton Show a close button in the toast. boolean false
duration The duration of the toast in milliseconds (only if `autoClose` is set to `true`). number 5000
message The message to display in the toast. string ''
title The title of the toast. string ''
position The position of the toast. ToastivePosition 'bottom-right'
variant The variant of the toast. ToastiveVariant 'default'


Toastive library is fully developed with TypeScript. So, you can use the types in your project.

import { ToastivePosition, ToastiveProps, ToastiveVariant } from 'toastive'


import { showToastive, ToastiveProps, ToastivePosition, ToastiveVariant } from 'toastive'

	title: 'Toastive',
	message: 'πŸ‘‹ Hi from top-right corner!',
	position: ToastivePosition.TopRight,
	variant: ToastiveVariant.Success,
	autoClose: true,
	duration: 5000,
	closeButton: false

Code above will show a toast notification with a success variant, a title, and a message. The toast will be displayed in the top-right corner of the screen and will automatically close after 5 seconds.

Closing a toastive

Toasts are widely used in applications to show notifications to users. However, these notifications should not be blocking the user, so in terms of UX, it is advisable to use the default autoClose property.

However, sometimes you may want to allow the user to close the toast manually. You can do this by setting the closeButton property to true.

	title: 'Toastive',
	message: 'πŸ‘‹ Hi from top-right corner!',
	position: ToastivePosition.TopRight,
	variant: ToastiveVariant.Success,
	autoClose: false,
	closeButton: true

Additionally, you can close a toastive manually by calling the close() method.

const toast = showToastive({
	title: 'Toastive',
	message: 'πŸ‘‹ Hi from top-right corner!',
	position: ToastivePosition.TopRight,
	variant: ToastiveVariant.Success,
	autoClose: false,
	closeButton: true

// Do something...

All toast can be closed by dragging them to the right or left side of the screen, depending on the position of the toast. These gestures are enabled by default and it's fully compatible with touch devices.

Updating a toastive

You can update a toastive by calling the update() method. This method accepst same properties as showToastive() method.

const toast = showToastive({
	title: 'Toastive',
	message: 'πŸ‘‹ Hi from top-right corner!',
	position: ToastivePosition.TopRight,
	variant: ToastiveVariant.Loading,
	autoClose: false,
	closeButton: true

// Do something...
	title: 'Updated title',
	message: 'Updated message',
	variant: ToastiveVariant.Warning,
	autoClose: true

πŸ’… Styling

Toastive is fully customizable. You can easily customize the appearance of the toasts by using next CSS variables.


Property Description Default
--toastive-wrapper-horizontal-offset The horizontal offset of the toast wrapper. 1rem
--toastive-wrapper-vertical-offset The vertical offset of the toast wrapper. 1rem
--toastive-wrapper-gap The gap between toasts. 1rem


Property Description Default
--toastive-font-family The font family of the toast. inherit
--toastive-font-size The font size of the toast. 0.8rem


Property Description Default
--toastive-content-color The color of the toast content. #333
--toastive-background-color The background color of the toast. #fff


Property Description Default
--toastive-border-radius The border radius of the toast. 0.25rem
--toastive-border-width The border width of the toast. 1px
--toastive-border-color The border color of the toast. #ededed


Property Description Default
--toastive-box-shadow The box shadow of the toast. 0 4px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)


Property Description Default
--toastive-padding-horizontal The horizontal padding of the toast. 1rem
--toastive-padding-vertical The vertical padding of the toast. 0.5rem
--toastive-width The width of the toast. 350px

Close button

Property Description Default
--toastive-close-button-color The color of the close button. currentColor
--toastive-close-button-size The size of the close button. 1rem

Progress bar

Property Description Default
--toastive-progress-height The height of the progress bar. 0.25rem
--toastive-progress-color The color of the progress bar. currentColor
--toastive-progress-opacity The opacity of the progress bar. 0.5


Property Description Default
--toastive-info-content-color The color of the toast content for the info variant. #0973dc
--toastive-info-background-color The background color of the toast for the info variant. #f0f8ff
--toastive-info-border-color The border color of the toast for the info variant. #b0e2ff
--toastive-error-content-color The color of the toast content for the error variant. #e60000
--toastive-error-background-color The background color of the toast for the error variant. #fff0f0
--toastive-error-border-color The border color of the toast for the error variant. #ffe0e1
--toastive-warning-content-color The color of the toast content for the warning variant. #dc7609
--toastive-warning-background-color The background color of the toast for the warning variant. #fffcf0
--toastive-warning-border-color The border color of the toast for the warning variant. #fdf5d3
--toastive-success-content-color The color of the toast content for the success variant. #008a2e
--toastive-success-background-color The background color of the toast for the success variant. #ecfdf3
--toastive-success-border-color The border color of the toast for the success variant. #d3fde5


:root {
	--toastive-wrapper-horizontal-offset: 2rem;
	--toastive-wrapper-vertical-offset: 2rem;
	--toastive-wrapper-gap: 0.5rem;

	--toastive-font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;
	--toastive-font-size: 1.2rem;

	--toastive-content-color: #ccc;
	--toastive-background-color: #333;