Masakari provides a Virtual Machine High Availability(VMHA), and rescues a KVM-based Virtual Machine(VM) from a failure events of the following:
- VM process down - restart vm (use nova stop API, and nova start API)
- provisioning process down - restart process or changes nova-compute service status to maintenance mode (use nova service-disable)
- nova-compute host failure - evacuate all the VMs from failure host to reserved host (use nova evacuate API)
Try masakari-deploy for all-in-one scripts to deploy it on your laptop.
- masakari-controller : controller process for failure notification
- masakari-instancemonitor : detects the VMs process down
- masakari-processmonitor : detects the fatal control process down on nova-compute node
- masakari-hostmonitor : detects the compute host failure
openstack system
- Make sure nova and keystone are installed
- Deploy OpenStack Compute with a shared file system
- Setup stonith resources to make sure a failed host must be in shutdown after an error
- If the host is in power-on after evacuating, it could cause double mounted volumes because of the Nova evacuate API's spec.
- Setup stonith resources to make sure a failed host must be in shutdown after an error
- python-daemon: apt-get install python-daemon
- dh-make: apt-get install dh-make (it's nessesary in case of Ubuntu)
create user (user: openstack) and setup passwordless for 'sudo'
set up '/etc/hosts' or DNS server for host name resolving
ex) Ubuntu
# cd (each components directory) * ex: masakari, hostmonitor etc
# ./debian/rules binary
# dpkg -i (each components).deb
create database and tables for masakari
# cd masakari-controller/db
# vi db.conf
DB_USER=<mysql user>
DB_PASSWORD=<mysql user password>
DB_HOST=<mysql host ip>
# bash
# vi /etc/masakari/masakari-controller.conf
host = <mysql host ip>
name = vm_ha
user = <mysql user>
passwd = <mysql user password>
charset = utf8
domain = <keystone top level domain name>
admin_user = <admin user>
admin_password = <admin user password>
auth_url = <auth_url>
project_name = <tenant name>
# vi /etc/masakari/masakari-instancemonitor.conf
# Event notification destination URL
url = http://<masakari server ip>:15868
# regionID
regionID=<openstack region name. ex) RegionOne >
# vi /etc/masakari/masakari-hostmonitor.conf
# URL of recovery controller
RM_URL="http://<masakari server ip>:15868"
# Region unit
# This item is necessary
REGION_ID="<openstack region name ex) RegionOne>"
# vi /etc/masakari/masakari-processmonitor.conf
RESOURCE_MANAGER_URL="http://<masakari server ip>:15868"
REGION_ID=<openstack region name. ex) RegionOne >
If a nova-compute host fails, masakari evacuates instances on the failed host to the reserved host. In advance, you reserve one or two host(s) per a pacemaker cluster. Please follow this instruction.
# cd masakari/utils
# python --mode add --port "" --host compute2 --db-user root --db-password mysql --db-host
# python --mode list --db-user root --db-password mysql --db-host
# python --mode delete --port "" --host compute2 --db-user root --db-password mysql --db-host
# python --mode update --port "" --before-host compute2 --after-host compute1 --db-user root --db-password mysql --db-host
Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. Released under Apache License 2.0.