Yapeme (Yet Another PElican theME) is a responsive theme for Pelican.
You can check it live in my blog.
Contributions are welcome!
Before installing the theme, make sure you have Bower installed. If don't, you can install it through npm
$ npm install -g bower
Now you can install all project's dependencies via install
$ make install
It'll install cool things like PySCSS.
You need to edit your settings and add the following parameters:
AUTHOR = "Author's name"
DEFAULT_OG_IMAGE = "The og:image url"
DISQUS_SITENAME = "Your Disqus sitename"
FAVICON_URL = "The favicon url"
FACEBOOK_APP_ID = "Add your Facebook APP ID to check out insigths"
FEED_ALL_RSS = "Relative URL to output the all-posts RSS feed"
FEED_DOMAIN = "The domain prepended to feed URLs"
LICENSE = "The license"
LICENSE_TITLE = "A brief summary to print in a's title attribute"
LICENSE_URL = "The license url"
SITEDESCRIPTION = "A brief content for meta description"
SITENAME = "Your site name"
SITESUBTITLE = "A brief subtitle for your site"
SITEURL = "Base URL of your website"
SOURCE_CODE_URL = "Where the source code of your blog is"
This theme uses the following Pelican plugins:
And a Javascript widget for share buttons:
You can find our translations inside translations/
folder. If you want to contribute, please follow the instructions below:
$ pybabel extract --mapping babel.cfg --output translations/messages.pot ./
This is going to create the "translations template" for the project. After that, if you want to create a new language translation:
$ pybabel init --input-file translations/messages.pot --output-dir translations/ --locale pt_BR --domain messages
Or if you want to update a already created language file:
$ pybabel update --input-file translations/messages.pot --output-dir translations --locale pt_BR --domain messages
Now you can update the msgstr
with the proper translation:
#: templates/includes/article.html:35
msgid "By"
msgstr "Por"
To conclude the translation, we need to compile the language file:
$ pybabel compile -d translations
Don't forget to configure your Pelican instance properly.