Breaking Change
The minimum supported Unity version is now set to 2020.2, and the code base has been upgraded to C# 8.0.
Play Mode
- Added velocity play mode.
- Added APIs for resetting clip sequence/shuffle data.
No-Code Components
- Added SoundVolume component to help create volume configurations without coding.
- Added a preview version of SpectrumAnalyzer component.
- Added GetAudioClip and Play extension method to SoundID.
- Added message type methods: OnStart(), OnUpdate(), OnEnd(), and OnAudioFilterRead() to IAudioPlayer.
- Added audio analysis methods: GetOutputData() and GetSpectrumData() to IAudioPlayer.
- Added UnPause() methods.
- Added AudioSourceProxy to IAudioPlayer to safely access AudioSource and Unity APIs.
- Deprecated OnEndPlaying event (replaced with OnEnd).
Other New Things
- Added a runtime-only audio player object field in the sound source inspector for debugging purposes.
- Added expand/collapse all entities feature to LibraryManager.
Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed missing BroAudioData when upgrading from a different path.
- Fixed issue where preview audio with pitch did not work as intended during fading processes.
- Fixed slider float field clipping when the [Volume] and [Frequency] attributes were used in a sub-structure.
- Improved shuffle picking algorithm to prevent repetition.
- Improved GUI UX and drawing precision.
- Updated demo scene to showcase all new features.