In standard MAME 0.273, the mmr4000le machine always has an "NcrInterruptServiceRoutine: Unexpected bus disconnect" error after disk formatting reaches 100% by running cd:\mips\arcinst
on any of the Windows NT CD-ROMs (which are presently just in the ibm5170_cdrom set...).
To do this, run the program cd:\mips\arcinst
(this is the partitioning stage for NT on MIPS), and it will take a long time, but once it reaches 100%, it'll fail with "NcrInterruptServiceRoutine: Unexpected bus disconnect"
The kicker here, this used to work, until commit 8a9c1aa. By reverting this commit, formatting, and all disk access afterward, works as expected:
Given this commit's comment, it seems that the correct SCSI controller was changed to by @ajrhacker and perhaps it's just unusably buggy in the present MAME code. If that's the case, reverting the commit is a hack that defies MAME's accuracy goals, but it remains irritating that the hack is required to get a working system.
Tagging @pmackinlay also at @cuavas's suggestion.