Simple-Media-Saver-Bot is a Telegram bot designed to allow users to store their media. Written using the Pyrogram library, it enables users to send media to the bot and receive a unique link to access their media.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a
file with the following variables:
You can obtain the api_id
and api_hash
from the Telegram website. Obtain the bot_token
from the BotFather bot on Telegram.
- Run the bot:
- Send any media file to the bot in a private chat to save it.
- The bot will generate a unique link for each saved media file.
- Use the generated link to retrieve the saved media file.
- Saves media files with unique keys.
- Retrieves saved media files using the generated links.
Feel free to contribute to this project and enhance its functionality!
- Implement functionality to handle
. - Using databases.
For more information, visit the Pyrogram documentation.