Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero.
Policy and data administration, distribution, and real-time updates on top of Policy Agents (OPA, Cedar, ...)
Curated list of open-access/open-source/off-the-shelf resources and tools developed with a particular focus on German
🛡 Vue.js navigation guards, redefined !
A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
✅ Playground for SSR and Pre-Rendering with Angular
A code sample for an ASP.NET Core & IdentityServer4 article
Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
Asset, Node, and Digital Rewards Engine Whatchamacallit
Free admin dashboard template on the Angular CLI
🚀A powerful react native starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application
💥Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.5 💥
⚡ Lightweight library to use Firebase API with Angular
Angular5 Universal Webpack Seed
Angular Universal seed project featuring Server-Side Rendering, @fuse-box bundling, material, firebase, Jest, Nightmare, and more
Angular components for scaffolding online store
Generate an Angular 5 CRUD application from an existing database schema (we provide a sample one)
📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
This repository was created to illustrate the implementation that was described in a great article by Victor Savkin where we manage state similarly to Redux but using only the RxJS library
An example of how to build an Angular application using RxJs and Observable Data Services
Project for blogpost on how to think reactive
An on-demand group discussion app demonstrated in multiple technologies