Use this script in a cron to update a given A/AAAA/... record in your DNS zone, using OVH API.
Depends on the following executables (might need manual installation):
Depends on the following core utilities (likely to be installed by default on most GNU/Linux distributions):
To install, run:
make DESTDIR=/ PREFIX=/usr install
Create a new user, for instance ovh
useradd -m -s /bin/bash ovh
passwd ovh
su ovh
Generate a configuration for OVH API requests, run:
ovh-api-client --initApp
Configure the OVH API application AND the consumer key to use
(see ovh-api-client
's repo for more informations).
Add a new crontab (crontab -e
) to run this script using the right subdomain and domain,
for example (using myip
*/5 * * * * bash -c 'ovh-dns --target EU --domain --subdomain www --fieldtype A --ttl 60 --ip "$(myip public)"'
This crontab will check every 5 minutes that the following record targets the right IP address : 60 IN A
If the target IP address is incorrect, it will update the value. If the A record is not found, it will be created.
If you only want to query the API when the machine's IP changes and have myip
and xxhsum
installed, you can use the more convenient
*/5 * * * * ovh-dns-watch --target EU --domain --subdomain www --fieldtype A --ttl 60
> ovh-dns
No domain given
Help: possible arguments are:
--ip <ip> : the ip address for this record
--domain <domain> : the domain on which update the record in the DNS zone
--subdomain <subdomain> : (optional) the subdomain for this record
--fieldtype <fieldtype> : (optional) type for this record (default is A)
--ttl <ttl> : (optional) time to live value for this record (default is 60)
--target <target> : (optional) the target API endpoint (default is EU)