This is the Maixnor Terminal, which is my very own interactive terminal running in the browser.
It is currently operating as an Azure Static App.
I really love the linux operating system and use it as my daily driver. Therefore I really love terminals and will choose a good CLI over a GUI any time. So when I wanted to have a personal/portfolio website I thought about packing it in a terminal-styled web app. And as for as I am concerned my idea is unique. I also wanted to try out Blazor and dotnet 6, so here goes the tech stack.
You might be here for the easter egg, go ahead and look through the files. Happy looking :)
You can leave me an issue if there is anything you would like me to add to the terminal (like a command or another easter egg).
I have used the Blazor Framework to build this app.
The application is running in an Azure Static App without any backend (being Azure Functions) or database. This app is purely client-sided by the way.
The deployment is done automatically using GitHub Actions.
If you want to have a Maixnor Terminal running locally you can do so.
All you need is the dotnet sdk 6.0.x
You can start up the app using dotnet watch run --project Maixnor.Terminal
and use the great
hot reload functionality introduced with dotnet 6.