InterRelax is a Julia package of solving polynomial optimization problem on the nonnegative orthant:
f* := inf_{x in R^n} {f(x) : x >= 0, gi(x) >= 0, hj(x) = 0}.
We provide a hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations based on Polya's and Handelman's Positivstellensatz for solving this problem. It has the following advantages:
- The maximal matrix size of each semidefinite relaxation can be arbitrarily chosen. Accordingly, each semidefinite relaxation of maximal matrix size relatively small can be solved efficiently by using interior point methods (Mosek, SDPT3, ...).
- We guarantee the convergence of the sequence of values returned by this hierarchy to
under some mild condition. Moreover, the rate of convergence is at leastO(eps^-c)
InterRelax has been implemented on a desktop compute with the following softwares:
- Ubuntu 18.04.4
- Julia 1.3.1
- Mosek 9.1
Before installing InterRelax, you should install TSSOS and PolyPowerModels with the following commands:
Pkg> add
Pkg> add
- To use InterRelax in Julia, run
Pkg> add
The following examples briefly guide to use InterRelax:
Consider the following optimization polynomial problem:
using DynamicPolynomials
@polyvar x[1:2] # nonnegative variables
f=x[1]^2+0.5*x[1]*x[2]-0.25*x[2]^2+0.75*x[1]-0.3*x[2] # the objective polynomial to minimize
g=[1.0-sum(x.^2)] # the inequality constraints
h=[(x[1]-1.0)*x[2]] # the equality constraints
k=1 # relaxation order
s=3 # sparsity order
using InterRelax
# get information from the input data f,gi,hj
# get an approximate optimal value and an approximate optimal solution of the polynomial optimization problem
lmon_g,supp_g,coe_g, # information of the inequality constraints
lmon_h,supp_h,coe_h, # information of the equality constraints
lmon_f,supp_f,coe_f, # information of the objective polynomial
solver="Mosek", # solver for the semidefinite program
comp_opt_sol=true) # to get an approximate optimal solution
See other examples from .ipynb files in the link.
For more details, please refer to:
N. H. A. Mai, V. Magron, J.-B. Lasserre and K-C Toh. Tractable hierarchies of convex relaxations for polynomial optimization on the nonnegative orthant. 2022. Forthcoming.
To get the paper's benchmarks, download the zip file in this link and unzip the file.
The following codes are to run the paper's benchmarks in Julia:
using InterRelax
data="/home/mpc-linux-01/dataPOP2" # path of data
#The path needs to be changed on the user's computer
InterRelax.test_AMGM() #Table 1
InterRelax.test_compare_with_sign_sym() #Table 2
InterRelax.test_dense_POP_arbcons(data) #Table 4
InterRelax.test_compute_stability_number_of_graph(data) #Table 5
InterRelax.test_compute_stability_number_of_graph_ball_constr(data) #Table 6
InterRelax.test_MAXCUT(data) #Table 7
InterRelax.test_PMSV(data) #Table 8
InterRelax.test_compute_stability_number_of_graph_random(data) #Table 9
InterRelax.test_deciding_copositivity(data) #Table 10
InterRelax.test_deciding_nonegativity(data) #Table 11
InterRelax.test_dense_POP_binary_constr_random(data) #Table 12
InterRelax.test_CS_POP_arbcons(data) #Tables 13
InterRelax.test_CertifyNNHousing(data) #Table 15