A smart calculator that accepts voice input
- For recording, use The SpeechRecognition interface of the Web Speech API.
- Create a new SpeechRecognition object instance using the SpeechRecognition() constructor
- Start() of SpeechRecognition will Start the speech recognition service, listening to incoming audio.
- The onresult event handler will b Fired when the speech recognition service returns a result, as in it fires when the user stoped speaking.
- Finally, get the transcript of the speech recognition.
- Set the voice input to the output section of the calcultor & after 2s the output section will be overridden by the result.
- Define a function called evaluate for the above funationality.
- Call the evaluate() after 2s using setInterval method in Javascript.
- Now, put our eval function under a try catch block. if it works, it will print d result. if it doesn't, it comes to catch block where the output is set to empty & the exception is printed into d console
- Javascript