Magento 2 has been available for some time now. It's a great platform however each Partner, or a Customer, we've worked with had issues working in admin panel.
Huge padding and large fonts does sure look nice, but in the end they take up a lot of space. In the end, everyone working with it looses a lot of time simply by scrolling to each section or element they want to modify. It is very unproductive.
Working late turned out to be extremely difficult and is very hard for the eyes, due to very bright colors and background.
That is why, after spending countless number of hours, consulting world class UX experts, we've developed a brand new, compact and eye friendly admin theme. Please say hello to: Magento 2 Nostalgia, an admin theme for the 21st century eCommerce managers.
composer require magespices/mage2nostalgia
and run:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
to enable modules
1) composer remove magespices/mage2nostalgia
2) php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Warning: Tested only on Magento 2.3.x Open Source
@Qsolutions Studio @MagentoNinja
MageSpices is an initiative taken by Q-Solutions Studio focused on providing free solutions to Magento platform.