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Import product CSV url_key for the default (without store_view_code) should not update the url key in the frontend #36905




Preconditions and environment

  • Magento version 2.4.3
  • Anything else that would help a developer reproduce the bug: multistore setup with products

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create one product and update the url key so in each store view there is a different url key (see result for an example)
  2. After the creation, upload a product import CSV with that specific product sku, store_view_code empty and for the url_key a different URL-key than already used in the product (see result for an example)

Expected result

The default URL key is updating to the new url key and for the specific store_views the value for the url_key in the backoffice AS in the frontend visible is the same

default: jacked
en: (default) jacked
nl: jas
fr: veste

import for default:

default: jack
en: (default) jack
nl: jas
fr: veste

default: jack
en: (default) jack
nl: jas
fr: veste

The overrides are still doing their work.. This is expected

Actual result

The url_key in the backoffice for a specific store view is still the initial url_key provided by the store, but the url_key in the frontend visible is now the url_key uploaded by product CSV import.

default: jacked
en: (default) jacked
nl: jas
fr: veste

import for default:

default: jack
en: (default) jack
nl: jas
fr: veste

default: jack
en: (default) jack
nl: jack
fr: jack

So all urls in the frontend are now the same url for each store but in the backoffice there are overiddes. This is NOT correct!

Additional information

No response

Release note

No response

Triage and priority

  • Severity: S0 - Affects critical data or functionality and leaves users without workaround.
  • Severity: S1 - Affects critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S2 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S3 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S4 - Affects aesthetics, professional look and feel, “quality” or “usability”.





Area: Admin UIComponent: UrlIssue: ConfirmedGate 3 Passed. Manual verification of the issue completed. Issue is confirmedPriority: P2A defect with this priority could have functionality issues which are not to expectations.Progress: dev in progressReported on 2.4.3Indicates original Magento version for the Issue report.Reproduced on 2.4.xThe issue has been reproduced on latest 2.4-develop branch


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