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Pedro Castro peucastro
Informatics and Computing Engineering student @ FEUP

@FEUP Porto, Portugal

Professional Backend Developer | Go & JavaScript | Python
Ana Catarina Patrício catarinabp
Bachelor's student in Informatics and Computing Engineering at @FEUP Glad to have you here!

Porto, Portugal

João Vicente jv36
Full stack developer & studying Informatics and Computing Engineering @ FEUP

Porto, Portugal

Rui Soares RuiSoares333
Computer Engineering Student @FEUP


Vítor Pires vitormpp

FEUP Porto, Portugal

inês cardoso inescardos
MSc in Informatics and Computer Engineering @FEUP


Diogo Goiana DGoiana
Studying Informatics and Computing Engineering | NIAEFEUP


Tomás Palma tomaspalma
1st year student of the Master's Degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP
Clara Sousa clarapbsousa
Feup | Informatics and Computing Engineering student at FEUP
Haochang Fu unrealxinfinity
Hello, this is my github profile. It contains most of the work I have developed so far. All the contact info and CV are linked here.

Revolut Porto,Portugal

Sofia Merino Costa sophie-mc-dev
Master's Student in Informatics Engineering | FrontEnd Developer

@FEUP @NIAEFEUP Porto, Portugal

Rubem Neto rubuy-74

FEUP Porto,Portugal

Bartek Pacia bartekpacia
software developer, technology enthusiast, open source enjoyer • Google Code-in winner • 22y

@JetBrains Amsterdam

Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


KAXIII kaxiii
Angular | Ionic | Javascript | PHP | API

Valencia, Spain

Pedro Gomes pedrofvgomes
Fullstack Engineer - Wisify | Master in Software Engineering - FEUP

Wisify | FEUP Gaia

Adriano Machado Adriano-7
1st-year Master's student in Artificial Intelligence @ FCUP

@FEUP Amarante

João Santos jpnsantoss
2nd year student of Informatics and Computing Engineering while working Part-Time


José Costa Sirze01

@fraunhoferportugal, @NIAEFEUP Barcelos, Portugal

Bruno Mendes bdmendes

@adzerk Porto, Portugal

Daniel Carneiro DanielCarneiro123
1st year student of the Masters in Artificial Intelligence at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto @FEUP


João Oliveira joaooliveira-11
Software engineer at B-Simple | MSc Software Engineering at FEUP

FEUP Porto

Lara Cunha liac1983

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Porto

Fab Huang FabioMiguel2000
Someone who programs just for fun
1st year student of the Masters Degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP
Sérgio Estêvão SergioEstevao11
MSc in Informatics and Computing Engineering @ FEUP


André Lima limwa
2nd year student of the Master's Degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP


Luís Osório zefluxo
5th year student in Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP.

FEUP Portugal

Francisco Prada CiscoPr
5th year student in the course of Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP

FEUP Portugal

Tomás Vicente tomasvicente3
1st Year Inphormatics&Computing Engineering MSc student @ FEUP

FEUP Porto

Bruno Oliveira Process-ing

Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Pedro Landolt PedroLandolt
Young entrepreneur willing to expand my personal skills in terms of academic and professional knowledge.
Joel Fernandes JFernandes2612
MSc graduate in Informatics and Computing Engineering student @FEUP. Junior Software Engineer for @kuehne-nagel

FEUP Maia, Porto, Portugal

Nuno Costa biromiro
Data Scientist @primait

FEUP Porto

André Moreira DoStini
@NIAEFEUP Informatics and Computing Engineering student (BSc + MSc) @FEUP @POLIMI Software Engineer Intern @Jumpseller

@NIAEFEUP Portugal

Bruno Gomes brunogomes30
Game Developer/ Software Engineer BSc and MSc in Informatics and Computing Engineering, University of Porto
Wallen Ribeiro Wallen-Ribeiro
Studying Informatics and Computing Engineering @FEUP
Athos Coghi Freitas athoscf
1st year MSc in Artificial Intelligence student @ FEUP/FCUP
Carolina Costa acarolinacc
Hey! I'm a Computer Science and Software Engineering student in the final year of my bachelor's degree at University of Porto.

FEUP Porto, Portugal

rita cachaldora rcachaldora
informatics and computing engineering @FEUP | president @NIAEFEUP

porto, portugal

Mariana Lobão marineve17
2nd year student of Master's Degree in Engineering and Data Science @FEUP

@FEUP Portugal

Gonçalo Miranda goncalo2k
Fullstack Engineer @ Deloitte

Deloitte Lisbon