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@SvenDowideit SvenDowideit released this 18 May 02:03
· 33 commits to master since this release

I test rancheros iso's with:

docker-machine create --driver qemu \
	--qemu-ssh-user rancher \
	--qemu-userdata cloud-config.yml \
	--qemu-boot2docker-url rancheros.iso \
sven@debian:~/bin$ machine create -d qemu
Usage: docker-machine create [OPTIONS] [arg...]

Create a machine

   Run 'docker-machine create --driver name' to include the create flags for that driver in the help text.

   --driver, -d "virtualbox"										Driver to create machine with. [$MACHINE_DRIVER]
   --engine-env [--engine-env option --engine-env option]						Specify environment variables to set in the engine
   --engine-insecure-registry [--engine-insecure-registry option --engine-insecure-registry option]	Specify insecure registries to allow with the created engine
   --engine-install-url ""							Custom URL to use for engine installation [$MACHINE_DOCKER_INSTALL_URL]
   --engine-label [--engine-label option --engine-label option]						Specify labels for the created engine
   --engine-opt [--engine-opt option --engine-opt option]						Specify arbitrary flags to include with the created engine in the form flag=value
   --engine-registry-mirror [--engine-registry-mirror option --engine-registry-mirror option]		Specify registry mirrors to use [$ENGINE_REGISTRY_MIRROR]
   --engine-storage-driver 										Specify a storage driver to use with the engine
   --qemu-boot2docker-url 										The URL of the boot2docker image. Defaults to the latest available version [$KVM_BOOT2DOCKER_URL]
   --qemu-cache-mode "default"										Disk cache mode: default, none, writethrough, writeback, directsync, or unsafe
   --qemu-cpu-count "1"											Number of CPUs
   --qemu-disk-size "20000"										Size of disk for host in MB
   --qemu-io-mode "threads"										Disk IO mode: threads, native
   --qemu-memory "1024"											Size of memory for host in MB
   --qemu-network "default"										Name of network to connect to
   --qemu-ssh-user "docker"										SSH username [$KVM_SSH_USER]
   --qemu-userdata 											cloud-config userdata file
   --swarm												Configure Machine to join a Swarm cluster
   --swarm-addr 											addr to advertise for Swarm (default: detect and use the machine IP)
   --swarm-discovery 											Discovery service to use with Swarm
   --swarm-experimental											Enable Swarm experimental features
   --swarm-host "tcp://"									ip/socket to listen on for Swarm master
   --swarm-image "swarm:latest"										Specify Docker image to use for Swarm [$MACHINE_SWARM_IMAGE]
   --swarm-join-opt [--swarm-join-opt option --swarm-join-opt option]					Define arbitrary flags for Swarm join
   --swarm-master											Configure Machine to be a Swarm master
   --swarm-opt [--swarm-opt option --swarm-opt option]							Define arbitrary flags for Swarm master
   --swarm-strategy "spread"										Define a default scheduling strategy for Swarm
   --tls-san [--tls-san option --tls-san option]							Support extra SANs for TLS certs