Code for the EMNLP 2021 Paper AfroMT: Pretraining Strategies and Reproducible Benchmarks for Translation of 8 African Languages.
title = {Afro{MT}: Pretraining Strategies and Reproducible Benchmarks for Translation of 8 African Languages},
author = {Machel Reid and Junjie Hu and Graham Neubig and Yutaka Matsuo},
booktitle = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
address = {Punta Cana, Dominican Republic},
month = {November},
url = {},
year = {2021}
git clone
Please use gdown
to download the data
cd afromt
gdown --id 1Qj3IXQ9kusaeHtGYRVPzMnGm_dQvvfJP
tar -xf afromt.tar.xz
Run the following commands
cd training
# install apex for fp16 for faster training
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
cd ../
# install fairseq
pip install -e .
cd ../
Download the model as follows:
gdown --id 1A9kbWHnMrjFwgq9x8rpnU4aATx_Y4b3b
tar -xf afrobart.tar.xz # and you will get which is the model file
First be sure to install sentencepiece
TGT_LANG=#whatever target language you choose
cd afromt # the data folder
cd en-$TGT_LANG
bash ../../ $TGT_LANG ../../
cd ../../
to preprocess $TGT_LANG (e.g. zu
for Zulu, or xh
for Xhosa). This command will produce a data-bin-afromt
folder in the folder for the en-$TGT_LANG language pair.
More details within the script itself if you want to tweak training arguments!
bash afromt/en-$TGT_LANG/data-bin-afromt afromt/en-$TGT_LANG/model_output $TGT_LANG
and you should see your model training!
Once training is over, you can generate from the model as follows:
fairseq-generate afromt/en-$TGT_LANG/data-bin-afromt --gen-subset test --path afromt/en-$TGT_LANG/model_outputs/checkpoints/ --beam 5 --batch-size 300 --remove-bpe sentencepiece --truncate-source --task translation_from_xbart -s en -t $TGT_LANG --lenpen $LENPEN > generation.log
(where $TGT_LANG and $LENPEN are variables controlling target language and length penalty respectively)
and generate BLEU scores as follows:
bash generation.log
- The bilingual dictionaries we extracted are in the
folder (note that these are automatically extracted with a word aligned so they are not gold standard)