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RockHopper Linux System Management Tool

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The RockHopper OS knife tool to control your system.

At the moment, it contains only the commands to control the kernels and generate initrd images.

$ rhctl --help
Copyright (c) 2020-2021 RockHopper OS - Daniele Rondina

RockHopper Linux System Management Tool


Available Commands:
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  kernel      Manage system kernels and initrd.

  -c, --config string   Rhctl configuration file
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.
  -h, --help            help for this command
  -v, --version         version for this command

Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Kernel subcommands

Generate Initrd

$> rhctl kernel gi --help
Rebuild Dracut initrd images.

$> # Generate all initrd images of the kernels available on boot dir.
$> rhctl kernel geninitrd --all

$> # Generate all initrd images of the kernels available on boot dir
$> # and set the bzImage, Initrd links to one of the kernel available
$> # if not present or to the next release of the same kernel after the
$> # upgrade.
$> rhctl kernel geninitrd --all --set-links

$> # Generate all initrd images of the kernels available on boot dir
$> # and set the bzImage, Initrd links to one of the kernel available
$> # if not present or to the next release of the same kernel after the
$> # upgrade. In addition, it purges old initrd images and update grub.cfg.
$> rhctl kernel geninitrd --all --set-links --purge --grub

$> # Just show what dracut commands will be executed for every initrd images.
$> rhctl kernel geninitrd --all --dry-run

$> # Generate the initrd image for the kernel 5.10.42
$> rhctl kernel geninitrd --version 5.10.42

$> # Generate the initrd image for the kernel 5.10.42 and kernel type vanilla.
$> rhctl kernel geninitrd --version 5.10.42 --ktype vanilla

$> # Generate the initrd image for the kernel 5.10.42 and kernel type vanilla
$> # and set the links bzImage, Initrd to the selected kernel/initrd.
$> rhctl kernel geninitrd --version 5.10.42 --ktype vanilla

   kernel geninitrd [flags]

  geninitrd, gi

      --all                          Rebuild all images with kernel.
      --bootdir string               Directory where analyze kernel files. (default "/boot")
      --dracut-opts string           Override the default dracut options used on the initrd image generation.
                                     Set the RHOS_DRACUT_ARGS env in alternative.
      --dry-run                      Dry run commands.
      --grub                         Update grub.cfg.
  -h, --help                         help for geninitrd
      --kernel-profiles-dir string   Specify the directory where read the kernel types profiles supported. (default "/etc/rhos/kernels-profiles/")
      --ktype string                 Specify the kernel type of the initrd image to build.
      --purge                        Clean orphan initrd images without kernel.
      --set-links                    Set bzImage and Initrd links for the selected kernel or update links of the upgraded kernel.
      --version string               Specify the kernel version of the initrd image to build.

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Rhctl configuration file
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.